Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Just a taste of what my Holiday consisted of...

Santa was here!


Skylander Shirt


Our Dog with it's new Lamb Chop Toy

Dragon & Troll

Rolling in the aftermath!

Lounging in his new Big Joe Chair.

John Steiner ~ Author

Rolled Vanilla Cookies

Yes I'm that mom.. I decorated the cookies..

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ornament Craft Holiday Gift 2013

So last year I post my Holiday Craft. Making personalized ornaments. "Baby's first Christmas... Memory ornaments for Christmas.. ETC"
You can find it HERE (Ornament Holiday Craft Gift).
Now this year we gave it a little twist.
I couldn't find the pre-painted ornaments like last year. Have no idea why, but I was going to be dismayed over a simple thing like that.

Ornament Craft Holiday Gift 2013
I found clear glass Ornaments for $4.99 for a box of four at Micheals (3.97$ at walmart).
Fake Snow Flakes for $3.79. (The bag looks small but I haven't even made a dent in it. A little goes a long way)
FolkArt Multi Surface Paint
I bought permanent Paints $1.50-$2 a bottle. (I haven't even made a dent in these wither and I've made 8 ornaments so far). After it cures for 21 days it can no longer be removed (or they say you can bake it to make it permanent).
You DO NOT need to stick to this brand. Just make sure what ever paint you buy, will paint on glass effectively. I just found it appealing that it becomes permanent and then can  be ran through a dishwasher.... In other words, I can use it for other personalized gifts like plate or mugs...

I also found 3-D stickers $1.49 (Get the smallest ones to use on ornaments. and in retrospect I would take off the double sided sticky tape and attach with a glue gun if you have one. I didn't so used what was on them.  - I now have a glue gun coming. I may re- attach them with it if it gets here early enough).
I have paint brushes I use for my Cakes, but you DON'T want to mix food paint brushed with regular paint brushes. Once you use them for paint, they are no longer viable for food! So I bought more paint brushes.

Things you will need other than listed above.
thread (string, fishing line, or some decorative threads -Your choice)
Glue - I was using elmers (tape if no glue available)
Paper - For your template and to make a throw away funnel to get you snow flakes in).
Pen or Pencil
Wallet Sized Photos (or photos you can cut out) .

 The first thing you want to do is make your template. So this time, I found a lid about the same size as  the circumference of my ornament and traces it out for a smooth circle.  Now I was smart. I rolled it up and dropped it in the ornament to make sure it fit. It was  a hair to big and I trimmed it down, but you see the point. Better to re-cut your template then to waist a photo.

 Next you'll want to place your 2 photos back to back.I put a little bit of glue on the back of the two photos I was using, smeared it around and put them together. Now you want to let them dry if you do it this way, so they wont move when you cut them out with the template. Make sure you don't do the entire surface. You're going to want to leave room to glue in your string at the top after you gut them out. So the bottom section of the back is enough. (If you're in a hurry, use tape.)

When your glue is dry;
center you template over the face on the picture (you could just use a picture that is beautiful and scenic too. Don't get stuck on specifics ) . You can use a larger photo and make it the size of the entire circumference, but I found I like the look of the straight edge on the sides when it's in the ornament. But you make prefer the full circle, use a larger photo.

 Next glue the thread/string at the top, between the two photos. So basically pry the top part (that I instructed you not to glue) open, put a small dab a glue in there, put the string on the glue, and press the photos back together. Catch and clean up any glue that might come out from in-between the two photos.

Now in order to get the photo in the ornament, you need to roll it to the size of the hole. Don't fold it. You'll ruin the photo and never get it to flatten out in the ornament. (Yes my other half  asked last year " and you folded it to get it in there"). I used the handle of my paint brush to reach in and flatten out the photos. It's not always as easy as it looks. You have to press the  pictures against the inside of the ornament to flatten out the rounded edges from rolling it up to get it in there.  Be patient and take your time, or you may end up folding the picture anyway and ruining it.

Right now you're wondering what the string is for. It's to keep the photo from twisting all around the ornament. I learned on the first one I made. They move!

You have the wire that's bent to make it springy, so when it's put in it won't fall out. The wire is put through two holes. You too are going to use these two holes. You have two ends of string. You'll put one through each hole so you can tie the photo to the top after it's put back on. This will keep it from rolling around and turning upside down. Cut the end short, but not so short it could slip the knot
(You can also put the top back on and weave it through the metal leaves rather than poking it through the hole, but unless you use thin thread it will be visible). See last yearsCLICK  HERE Ornament Holiday Craft Gift. Photos of these steps.

So your next step (and it can be done prior to putting your pictures in there, but let it dry completely before putting you photos in) is painting on your Chrismasy  decorations. I went the easy route. I painted the bottom white and wavy for snow (use two coats). I painted 3 round white circles  of three different sizes to make the snowman ( 2 coats). When that dried I painted the eyes, nose, mouth and arms in black on it. Then painted on a scarf. A few have painted little hats on them.
Hand Painted Snowman

I also chose to paint on snow covered trees. I looked at an ornament from last year and figured I could do it. let dry completely.
Hand Painted Trees

I also painted tiny white snowflakes on the outside  like this *.  If you click on the pictures and make them larger you can see them. I just put them randomly around it.

The 3-D stickers were for a different POP effect. See my snowflake above. These were put on after I painted them.

For my out new Babies this  year I put on these stickers.
3-D Stickers

3-D Stickers

I painted on their names and the year on them.

With a cute little picture  of them inside.

With this one of my Friends whole family I got crafty. See the Merry Christmas 2013  on the photo. I put that on there before I had it printed. I love Photoshop!.

 So there you have it. This Years Hand Crafted Personalized Gift Ornaments. Cute or what!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Halloween Headstones - Names and Epitaphs

Still need a touch up on my mistake on the bottom, But this is home made.
Right Down the The Name & Epitaph.

1.Here lies my wife, here let her lie. Now she's at rest and so am I
2.Count Dracula - Born:1432 - Died:1532, 1703, 1815, 1969, 2000
3.Dr. Doolittle-Goode
4.General K. Oss
5.Barry M. deaper
6.Fester N. Rott
7.Stella Live
8.Stella Live
9.Yule B. Heresune
10.~ Dracula ~Fangs for the Memories
11.~ John Penny ~
Reader, if cash you are in want of any
Dig six feet deep and you'll find a Penny
12.HERE LIES a man named Zeke
Second fastest draw in Cripple Creek
13.Here lies HENRY BLAKE
He stepped on the gas
Instead of the brake
14.Here lies the body of EDWARD HYDE
We laid him here because he died
15.Here lies Clyde Whose life was full
Until he tried To milk a bull
16.Grim death took me without any warning

I was well at night, and dead in the morning
17.Here lies the body of MARGARET BENT
She kicked up her heels And away she went
18.Here Lies Mr. Mere
got ran over by a John Deere
19.Creek E. bones
20.Ben N. Balmed

 21.C. N. Angels
22.Barry D'Live
23.Doug M. Upp (with a coffin sticking out of the ground)
24.Here lies mean ol' Mr. Jones
now he's just a bag of bones
25.Seymore Graves
If you can read this, get the heck off me.
26.Mary Aster, Should Have Walked a Little Faster
27.Rest in Pieces (body parts scattered around)
28.Here I lie
And no wonder I'm dead,
For the wheel of a semi
Went over my head.
29.Gil A. Teen
A Tisket
A Casket
His Head is in
the Basket
30.Here lies Kelly
We buried him today
He lived the life of Riley
When Riley was away
31. M. Awl Bones ~Dig em deep, Bury them good. For once I didn't and i found I
should (Skelton crawling out of ground)
32. I.M. Wormfood
33. L ite Dembfarts
34. Wong Mann
35.Moore Butts
36. Moore Lite - He was a good husband, A wonderful father, but a bad electrician.
37. Ma loves Pa, Pa loves women, Ma caught Pa with two women a swimmin ~ Here
lies Pa
38. Follpw Me ~ at your own risk
40. well This SUCKS

42. Enter at your own Risk - Touch nothing and nothing will touch you
43. Our Dear, Lee Departed
44. We weren't sure who this was, but we buried him anyway.
45.Doug M Upp
46. Roaman D. Earth
47. Kiki D. Bucket "I told you I was sick"
 48.Frank N. Stein "Beloved husband, Bad haircut"
49.Barbie "Too much plastic Surgery"
50 .Here lies the body
     Of Margaret Bent
     Kicked up her heels
     And away she went.

51.Blown upward out of sight:
      He sought the leak by candlelight

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Halloween - Fun with my Kid!

So it's that time of year again!
Spooky, scary, decorate your yard if you can afford it sort of thing..
Well I'm definitely on a budget.
So I went into the dollar store.....
Guess what? They sell body parts! Rubber rats, glow in the dark stuff...etc etc
Yeah, some of it's rather cheaply made, but if you shop right you can do a few things in your yard.
So here's a few ideas for you.....

I am giving what instructions I can to tell you how I did it or a link to the website I found it on.

Yes I made my own with a little help from the dollar store. I found some of my son's old clothes, my old clothes.
1. I got a bunch of those old plastic grocery bags.
2. A pile of junk mail and adds that were piling up around the house.
3. Old clothes.
4. Dollar Store Mask.
5. Dollar store body part ( bloody eyeballs, severed hand & feet, heart & liver)
6. I bought red dish washing soap & food coloring (To make blood that wouldn't attract bugs and animals)

My son and I crumples up the ads, newspaper & junk mail and put it in the old plastic grocery bags. Then I stuffed them through the arms and legs of the clothes and stuffed the butt and chest. I kinda took the time to give it the right shape by smashing it inside the clothes a but till it looked alright.
For the ghoul in the chair, I used a cheap mask and a hoodie for the head. I stuffed a bag and shaped it like a head, put the mask on it and shoved it in the hood. I'm probably going to find a pair of shoes that don't fit my son for the feet, and I'm thinking about some $1 kids gloves for the hands, but this is a play as you go sort of thing for me.
I gave the ghoul some hands with gloves and black marker to make the fingernails.

For the headless body we used our severed body parts and the mix for fake blood. Dropped the heart and liver on the ground near by and Walla! Dead body!

Then there are those spiderwebs you can buy....
Spider webs in themselves creep people out for fear one of those itty bitty spider might slink on down. So lots of those (now available at the dollar stores..).


Cheap easy plastic wrap a tree. Put a skeleton or a mummy on your tree.

 Who doesn't love a creepy bloody Graveyard?This was the plastic fencing and Glow in the dark head stones they had with.. of course spiderwebs.
Needs a touch up still on the bottom.
I made a mistake on it.

My Sons contribution to my headstones.It's
Actually really Funny!
Boy drove me crazy to help when I was doing
This one.

My boy was happy to paint the cross to help with this.

Glow In The Dark!

Dangly Things!
Making Ghost
 So I blew up a white balloon, took a whit trash bag and drew a face on both side, tied fishing string from the house to the trees, tied a small piece of from the balloon, cut a tiny hole in the bottom (now the top) of the bag put the balloon  inside the garbage bag threading the  fishing line out the little hole to tie to the string line you ran, Wallah! Cheap ghost (like the ones they sell).

Little dangly things to hang on your house. They have glow in the dark skeletons all over and normal.
Glow in the Dark bats. I did add some definition with a black marker so they could be seen better day or night.

My door Glow-in-the-Dark Skeleton head. I added black marker to make him more visible. I took a piece of paper and traced his eyes on it them colored it how I wanted too and taped it behind it to add more features to it.

I'm working on some home made bone I found HERE (Click Here)  . I am giving it a shot
Drying bones

So from the link for the other bones, I figuured
This one out.

Pretty good so far.... Needs to be painted now.

Take Look In My Yard So Far!

Mother & Son Time

Now this, while isn't as scary, was done mainly by my son with a little help from mom.
I printed and cut out these pieces and shape. Pictures too. He colored, glued, and painted with water colors. I simply attached the shapes to black yarn, got some sticks from the yard and made the mobile part. We're going to put it up a day or two before Halloween because of our temperamental weather we have her. Since it's paper, it won't survive the rain & snow.

Halloween Mobile
Halloween Costume

A little Imagination and patience, you too could start making decorations all month long.

Now for the Bonus feature....
I made his ghost outfit.
from on dale material. I was going to use a cheap white sheet since we don't have any in our home to cannibalize, I sought out the material clearance section. I still have to make a hood on it, but that won't be too hard.
 Want to make your own too? Go to this Website (Ghost Costume)

With The hood I made but before the fringe.

Fringe added

 Busy weekends yes. Fun? Hell yeah!
And my boy has never made a mother so proud as to help her put bodies in the yard!

He's still spooked by the decorations a little bit now that they are completed. Helping to make them helped him be not so scared. But he still shows them off to EVERYONE who come over or even walks by the yard. My five year old loves the time we're spending together decorating the yard for Halloween.