Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Broken Pieces of My Heart

My heart is broken like glass shattered and falling to the floor.
I hear them crack and burst as you step across them as if they weren't there.
My empty shell crumpling without my joy, hope..., and happiness.
My insides twist and burn from it's loss... the loss of you... the loss of trust.
My anger is bitter and painful.
My tears a torrent flood.
You look past it as if it's not there.
It happened. And it matters.
It's ingrained in my memories as if burned by a hot iron.
Bringing flames to my emotions...
Hatred and thoughts of banishment towards you.
Hatred for myself for still loving you...
Love for the the one thing I have of yours
The best part of you... Our Boy....

~Winter Why's~

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