Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Broken Pieces of My Heart..

You can't help but doubt that they are with you for you if you got pregnant. There's always been a piece of me that believes if I hadn't gotten pregnant that we wouldn't be together.

And maybe that's true. I can't believe that I love him so much. How can you fall so hard and so fast?  I knew before we dated I was gone. Even his kisses tasted good. How is that so?

Now I hate him and still Love him.

It seems drinking is more important than me and his own son. Anything for the drink and nothing left for us.

He just told me to take my truck and go.

As much as I just wanted to tell him he's was out of my life I couldn't, but he could say it to me me. How can I believe that he loves me?

Now he's acting like that night never happened, but it did.

If we break up, my son goes with me. He's my son! Not a man who thinks drinkings more important than us.

Why can't things be good for a change? I don't deserve this. I helped so many people till I broke because no one was there for me.


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