Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Recipe Test (French Bread)

So a recipe taken off
 Which takes you to Do you smell that (french-bread)
It rose real well and looks about the same as her picture, but as it cools the crust got wrinkled and isn't firm like french bread..
I left her a question about it on her blog. ans I am waiting for a reply. It taste decent, but not the way say Walmart French bread taste.
Would made ok rolls from the flavor.
I'm still looking for the to die for recipe.

Rolls just starting to rise.

Has risen totally and ready to go in the oven.

Fresh out of the oven.

Cut & being tasted.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Squad V: Barer of the Ghost Nation by John Steiner

Squad V: Barer of the Ghost Nation by John Steiner [cover art by Mae Powers]

Wanniukaga is the last of his people. No one else carries on his cultural traditions. It was the end of the world for the healer and spiritual leader. He is four hundred years old, and he is not alone. Afflicted by vampirism from those who slaughtered his nation, Wanniukaga is further burdened with the spirits of his people inside his mind.

Shattered by hard economic times St. Louis lays atop an older city whose people died out centuries ago, save for Wanniukaga who wanders its urban decay to this day. Locked in a struggle to preserve his people’s traditions and adapt to accelerating change the healer must balance his many personalities. Two homeless teenagers befriend and help Wanniukaga through difficult times against other vampires responsible for the death of his people, evade religiously motivated amateur vampire slayers and confront a hardhearted Squad Five operator stepping outside the rules of his unit.
[The prior excerpt was taken straight from the Authors Facebook Page]

Buy his Books NOW at Melange Books,

Friday, February 1, 2013

John Steiner ~ Author

Yup! It's that time again.

Promotion of my brother.

More books being published in the Vampire Genres.
Interview available to read here! CLICK ME!
Books like Squad V : Cornflake Girl

      See Vampirism from the victims point of view. Did they ask to be a vampire? How does that affect the person inflicted with Vampirism?

John Steiner Hails from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Life Skills

Lead Tutor · Taylorsville, Utah · Sep 2001 to present
Algebra, trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, biology and physics.
Personal Life Skills

Survival of personal trials growing up.
- Ex-Naval Mother (Age 74) who has struggled with 2 Schizophrenias, Capgras Syndrome ( since before his birth), and suspected Alzheimer  now and now has Diabetic & Sleep Apnea complications in her last few years.
-Deceased Air Force Father (Age 73) who in his long journey in life struggled with his estranged wife and coping with raising 5 children on his own until September 13 2012 at his passing.
-Eldest Brother (Age 43) putting his entire family through his various stages of Drug & Alcoholism addiction since he was in his early teens.
-One of his 3 older sister (Age 41) is Mentally Handicapped.

He, with the aid of one of his older sister and Veteran Affairs, struggle to take care of his estranged mother in her remaining years.

All his life experiences add up to many things, but the one you're going to get a chance to see is his writers imagination come to life in his books.

Book Available NOW! 

"Tampered Tales"

Squad V Series
Book 1: "Squad V"
Book 2: "Snowflake Girl"

Books Coming Soon

Barer of the Ghost Nation, Fire Alive!, The Locust Effect, Bridging the Lotus, Flipspace short story series.

Find Me Here


Photo Alteration by~ Tashee Photography