So it's that time of year again!
Spooky, scary, decorate your yard if you can afford it sort of thing..
Well I'm definitely on a budget.
So I went into the dollar store.....
Guess what? They sell body parts! Rubber rats, glow in the dark stuff...etc etc
Yeah, some of it's rather cheaply made, but if you shop right you can do a few things in your yard.
So here's a few ideas for you.....
I am giving what instructions I can to tell you how I did it or a link to the website I found it on.
Yes I made my own with a little help from the dollar store. I found some of my son's old clothes, my old clothes.
1. I got a bunch of those old plastic grocery bags.
2. A pile of junk mail and adds that were piling up around the house.
3. Old clothes.
4. Dollar Store Mask.
5. Dollar store body part ( bloody eyeballs, severed hand & feet, heart & liver)
6. I bought red dish washing soap & food coloring (To make blood that wouldn't attract bugs and animals)
My son and I crumples up the ads, newspaper & junk mail and put it in the old plastic grocery bags. Then I stuffed them through the arms and legs of the clothes and stuffed the butt and chest. I kinda took the time to give it the right shape by smashing it inside the clothes a but till it looked alright.
For the ghoul in the chair, I used a cheap mask and a hoodie for the head. I stuffed a bag and shaped it like a head, put the mask on it and shoved it in the hood. I'm probably going to find a pair of shoes that don't fit my son for the feet, and I'm thinking about some $1 kids gloves for the hands, but this is a play as you go sort of thing for me.
I gave the ghoul some hands with gloves and | black marker to make the fingernails. |
For the headless body we used our severed body parts and the mix for fake blood. Dropped the heart and liver on the ground near by and Walla! Dead body!
Then there are those spiderwebs you can buy....
Spider webs in themselves creep people out for fear one of those itty bitty spider might slink on down. So lots of those (now available at the dollar stores..).
Cheap easy plastic wrap a tree. Put a skeleton or a mummy on your tree.
Who doesn't love a creepy bloody Graveyard?This was the plastic fencing and Glow in the dark head stones they had with.. of course spiderwebs. |
Needs a touch up still on the bottom.
I made a mistake on it. |
My Sons contribution to my headstones.It's
Actually really Funny! |
Boy drove me crazy to help when I was doing
This one. |
My boy was happy to paint the cross to help with this. |
Glow In The Dark!
Dangly Things!
Making Ghost |
So I blew up a white balloon, took a whit trash bag and drew a face on both side, tied fishing string from the house to the trees, tied a small piece of from the balloon, cut a tiny hole in the bottom (now the top) of the bag put the balloon inside the garbage bag threading the fishing line out the little hole to tie to the string line you ran, Wallah! Cheap ghost (like the ones they sell).
Little dangly things to hang on your house. They have glow in the dark skeletons all over and normal.
Glow in the Dark bats. I did add some definition with a black marker so they could be seen better day or night. |
My door Glow-in-the-Dark Skeleton head. I added black marker to make him more visible. I took a piece of paper and traced his eyes on it them colored it how I wanted too and taped it behind it to add more features to it.
I'm working on some home made bone I found HERE (Click Here) . I am giving it a shot
Drying bones |
So from the link for the other bones, I figuured
This one out. |
Pretty good so far.... Needs to be painted now. |
Take Look In My Yard So Far!
Mother & Son Time
Now this, while isn't as scary, was done mainly by my son with a little help from mom.
I printed and cut out these pieces and shape. Pictures too. He colored, glued, and painted with water colors. I simply attached the shapes to black yarn, got some sticks from the yard and made the mobile part. We're going to put it up a day or two before Halloween because of our temperamental weather we have her. Since it's paper, it won't survive the rain & snow.
Halloween Mobile |
Halloween Costume
A little Imagination and patience, you too could start making decorations all month long.

Now for the Bonus feature....
I made his ghost outfit.
from on dale material. I was going to use a cheap white sheet since we don't have any in our home to cannibalize, I sought out the material clearance section. I still have to make a hood on it, but that won't be too hard.
Want to make your own too? Go to this
Website (Ghost Costume)
With The hood I made but before the fringe. |
Fringe added |
Busy weekends yes. Fun? Hell yeah!
And my boy has never made a mother so proud as to help her put bodies in the yard!
He's still spooked by the decorations a little bit now that they are completed. Helping to make them helped him be not so scared. But he still shows them off to EVERYONE who come over or even walks by the yard. My five year old loves the time we're spending together decorating the yard for Halloween.