Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Monday, August 8, 2016

Pokemon Go

Let talk about Pokemon Go.

I put the game in and then the IT guy at work had me give it a second shot.
Yes I'm hooked.

So here's some hints that I have learned so far,

Get as many of any pokemon you see as humanly possible. You need all the stardust you can get from capturing them.
Get rid of all the little ones. Transfer them to the professor for that Pokemon candy. 
Keep the pokemon with the Highest CP value. Use the highest CP value to evolve.
Fight in the GYMS! Get you high VP value  Pokemon in the gyms. If you keep them in a day, each day you get 10 coins and 500 stardust just for managing to stay in the gym. Powering them up after evolving them takes stardust and candy. Evolving takes a certain amount of candy per each Pokemon.
You can use real money to buy balls, luck eggs, incense, lures, etc. But this will ass up fast. A buck doesn't go very far.  Get it in the game.

As it so happens, many players play in the vehicles. If you can't can't deride you attention properly. DON'T DO IT! You shouldn't do it at all, but we're all guilty of hitting those Poke-stops while driving. IT is dangerous!

Upgrade your bag  to carry more balls etc. It's wroth it with the coin you make. The more balls you can carry the better.

Go to Parks, Zoo, Landmarks etc. Very public places have the most Poke-stops and Pokemon.

Battle The Gyms! They also help you level up.


If you go in and rename Evee it will make slightly Different Evolution's of Evee - Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon
 1. rainer -  Will give you a water type
 2. pyro - will give you a fire type
 3. letting Evee evolve normally gives you                  An electric Evee

 The following excerpt if from

4. Espeon

Espeon, my personal favorite, is Eevee's Psychic evolution. It first appeared in Generation II games — Silver, Gold, and Crystal — and it can be attained by evolving an Eevee with a high friendship level during the day. Espeon can use the red jewel in its head to read air currents and communicate telepathically with its Pokemon Trainer.

5. Umbreon

Also introduced in Generation II is Umbreon, a Dark type Pokemon. Like Espeon, you need to have an Eevee with a high level of friendship, but you have to evolve it at night. Bulbapedia says that "the rings of Umbreon's body glow faintly when exposed to the moon's aura, and it gains a mysterious power."

6. Glaceon

As you might have expected from the name, Glaceon is an Ice type. It didn't appear until Generation IV, so it's one of the more recent additions to the Eevee evolution tree. Glaceon can freeze its fur, generating sharp quills it can use for attack, and it is capable of creating ice crystals in the air around it.

7. Leafeon

This is Eevee's Grass type evolution, and it's called Leafeon because it's capable of photosynthesis. I guess it's also called Leafeon because the Pokemon writers were running out of ideas for Eevee evolutions and were like, "Leafeon! Yeah! That sounds good!" Like Glaceon, it first showed up in Generation IV.

8. Sylveon

Sylveon is a Fairy type Pokemon, and frankly, it looks terrifying. It's the last of the Eevee evolutions, making its debut in Pokemon X and Y. Sylveon can generate auras from its feelers, which impact the emotions of all those who are nearby. It's most likely to to exude calming or friendly auras.
Since "Pokemon Go" is getting an update, it's possible that other forms of Eevee might show up in the game. As to which ones? That's anybody's guess.
Images: The Pokemon Company; Giphy; Giphy; Giphy

Needless to say, with it's populariety, the could see more coming.

 Use your lucky eggs when evolving. And then try and save up all your evolution's for one setting.  It will double your points and help boost you to the next level

More as I have it. 
Until then, 

Happy Pokemon Hunting!