Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Creations 2014

Halloween Props Creation. From this year and last year.
I made some of my best large decorations. Pumpkin Monster is my favorite right now.

Alien mask  stuffed with a balloon, metal fence post, material, scary gloves and eyes drawn on paper.
Garbage bag ghost is  a tomato cage a balloon and face drawn on with a marker.

Home made Headstones made of wood, bag of bones and dollar store skeleton heads and some old garden fencing.

Skeleton - Bought skeleton frame on sale, dollar store knight armor and rats, twig painted like a cigarette and a beer bottle.
Ghoul - Dollar store mask, my kids clothes stuffed with newspaper and dollar store hands and feet.
Bought the small skeleton for 10$

Spider Victim was a Walmart buy. One after seeing the quality I regret. Next year I buy spider cargo netting ) Bungee cord that looks like a spider web and put my own skeleton in it and dress him in some cloth with spider webs on him.  Yeah it would be that easy.
Pumpkin Monster - On clearance Pumpkin mask stuffed with newspaper, scary gloves I had in the shed, cloth I already had at home, fence post pieces of wood tied to it with rope a few hair bands and twist ties to make him stay.That Stomach he's sporting is a balloon tied under there, Looks harder than it was. The worst part was pounding in the pig fence post in the ground. Oh yeah, some paper in the eyes and I drew in eyes

When I bought  the skelton he looked so funny driving him home in my car.

$5 dollars at one of the local dollar stores.

He was a little more expensive. $15 and his eyes light up.

3 foot reaper from walmart for $15. He's vocal and animated by sound.

30$ on sale at Smiths.. My other big splurge this year.

Dollar store knocker

Striped Witch socks for $1 at Walgreens
Witches broom made from a branch that broke off our apple tree and weeds from up the road and some rope.

$2 witches hat from Walgreens, $2 spookie cloth Walmart, Old clothes and my witchy socks from walgreens stuffed with newspaper, $10 on sale witch mask from Smiths, I bought a $4 couldren from Smiths and filled it with my body parts from the dollar store from last year. Logs from my yard

Friday, October 10, 2014

The call ever parent fears.

So I got the most frightening phone call you could ever get about your child.
His school called telling me he was absent today......
I text my Fiance and checked, who said he dropped him off 5-10 minutes late, but he took him to school.
I called the school and had them physically go check his class for him.
He was not there.
So completely panicked I called my boss freaking out and got his voice mail. I left a message on his phone. One of the leads at my work walked in while I was leaving the message.... I was already bawling at this point. I explained to her and told her I needed to check my house. That was as calm as I could get about the situation. I'd check the house then if he wasn't home I'd call the police.
I called my Fiance on my drive back home to find that he was there already and that My son took it upon himself to walk home this morning.
Meanwhile, while driving home I continued with my nervous breakdown. I cried in my driveway for at least ten minutes while I debated on beating my kid or hugging him to death. I go inside and my boy's back on the computer playing.
That wasn't going to fly. I grounded him from the computer and X-box.
I explained to my little boy that his school calls me when he doesn't go. That I though a bad person had gotten him and when bad people take kids, they don't usually come back.
He went to his room and I went out back to continue my nervous break down before calling my boss to let him know we found him. Told him I'd be in tomorrow because I was going to have a nervous breakdown for the rest of the day.
My boss told me to give him a hug and then slap him in the back of the head for him.
That option sounded good to me too.
I'll tell you right now. Thinking your child may have been taken by some sick-o drains the energy and life right out of you. The next day all my muscles hurt. I had a head ache that that has now lasted 2 days.  I'm emotionally drained. 

But I have come to realize I would do anything to save my child. I was adding up all the money I could get a hold of in my head while wondering if I knew enough thugs to offer as reward to attempt to get my child back and bring me the offender dead or alive. If brought to me alive, I'm not sure, depending on what they did to my child, if I could have let them live.

Thankfully I'll never know the answer to that.... My son was safe and I could breath again.
Well, such as it is. My phone went off the same time of day as when I received that frightening call today. My heart leaped out of my chest again. My son.... but happily no. It was the pharmacy reminding me my prescription was ready.... but the terror remains apparently. I fought the urge all day to call his grandmother to  check on him after she picked him up from school.

My only son.... my only child.....

I'm not sure I could live with out him. I can't understand how other mothers do. The thought of losing him that day was as if I was sentence to die.