Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So for the 3rd time this year, I was tested for cancer (and several other things as well I'm sure, but that is the main one) . This time they came back with Hypothyroidism. I match a lot of the symptoms, but they symptoms also come with severe allergies, which the doctor and I have been thinking that that's what it is.
SO on a pill to replace my thyroid hormone now. This has been one week now.
There is a side effect or two to the replacement though. - Stomach aches & Headaches... (Rare they said). That's was a load of horse shit. Cause every time I hear someone taking the meds, they all got it! Including me. Now they had ebbed up a bit since I started taking the pill, but I still have it. The first night it felt like someone hit me in the head with a hammer, and was trying to rip my stomach apart.
Now it's the wait and see game. i go back in about 11 weeks to see how things are going.

I know my sister has it. Now I find out that an Aunt on my dads side has it.
Did you know that you get an increased chance of getting it after you have a kid?
I have a friend that has it and now she has also been diagnosed with breast cancer.... Makes you think doesn't it? what if that's next? They've check 3 times now...... Some spookie shit.


Fatigue... oh hell yeah... Check
Sluggishness.. check

Loss of hair 
weight gain too.. check.. lost all that friggen weight to just get it back!
Pale, dry skin...Check
A puffy face.....Check
Hoarse voice....Check Check!
Increased sensitivity to cold...not sure.. yeah last winter kinda harsh.. Check
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness......Oh fuck yeah! I mean Check
Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints... Check
Muscle weakness.. sometimes check
Brittle fingernails... check

Myxedema coma,
The most severe form of hypothyroidism, is rare. It may be caused by an infection, illness, exposure to cold, or certain medications in people with untreated hypothyroidism.

Symptoms and signs of myxedema coma include:

Below normal temperature .....Check
Decreased breathing...... Check
Low blood pressure.... Check
Low blood sugar.......Check

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