Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Potty Training.....

  • So I have this friend named Gerry. He had this nephew who would only pee out side. it was the only way they could get him potty trained too.
  • So one day Gerry and his brother were sitting in the kitchen chatting and they all of a sudden heard this BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM!
  • They went running out to his nephew who had his pants around his ankles and was looking straight down at his pee pee, completely horrified!
  • The two of them looked down to see what was wrong , and as they look down they see that a grasshopper had landed on his pee pee...
  • And you you know what a grasshopper does when you try to pull them off right? They latch on harder!
  • To this day, his nephew will no longer pee out side anymore...
  • Now my little boy is about done potty training... but we only got him going good because he likes to pee outside. And this is all I can think of every time he does... I'm waiting for the day... LOL

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