Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I work in a Chocolate Factory - And there Ain't no Opmpa Loompa's!

I've seen things that would turn you away from chocolate forever....!

Q.A. I am no less. I swear it's more about quantity than quality! I don't care what they tell us everyday! Instead of being listened to about us putting out crap, I'm shunned and treated like a second rate citizen. The ugly red headed step child..... Then when something goes wrong, the first person they go to is me! Even though they are the ones who ran it that way anyway! Getting the big boss and going over my head. Go figure they can't keep up with the big boys and are barely holding one. I have hated this job since I started. But with the way things are, I can't up and quite. I need money. I've never hated a job like this... EVER!
Where's Willy Wonka when you need him?!

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