Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"I am the White Snow Queen!"

Yes... I know how that sounds, but I'm not  delusional. .... in case you're wondering.
I was at work, working in the cold warehouse with some temps doing some rework. When all of a sudden...... POOF! A white fog was blooming from the sugar silo next to us. . Now I've always had this fear of that silo giving way while I'm around it. I don't know why. But I happen to know they fill it more than the max fill,,, Hence the paranoia. So according to one of the guys  in the warehouse, all you could see was me out running the plume of sugar. Heals and ass all the way! I get to the doorway to realize my temps are just standing in the the warehouse and not moving, so I stop holding my breath and yell, 'Get out of there! Move move move! " They finally start moving. I get them out, but got a lung full of sugar in the process. As we come running out. It caused panic in the next room and they ran out thinking it was a fire. So I ran into the production office and made the following page "Maintenance! Get to the sugar Silo NOW! Maintenance to the sugar silo!" One of the supervisors ran in to hit the  Emergency shut off. Dumb ass. it could have been anything. And apparently the the emergency shut off is right under the fucking silo. For real! There's a brilliant move right there. So after  a bunch of guys were called in to clean, I realize I should tell my boss. So give him a call in his office. And do you know what he said? "Please tell me I'm not the first person you called?" I was a bit hurt by that question and said "Actually, you were the last person I notified. I called for maintenance first." There was some sarcasm to that and defense too.
There was about an inch of sugar on the floor. IT WAS EVERYWHERE! the guys were making crack as I walked in. One went "Who do you think you are causing this mess.
My retort was "I am The White Snow Queen!" I snapped my fingers and did the whole cocky head thing.
I must admit they were stunned into silence, since I'm usually so serious at work, then bust out laughing.
The whole white powder jokes went on from there. .. People kept asking if I was in there. I said "YEAH!" They said my eyelashes were stark white from the sugar. with in an hour there was a whole different  issue. I was covered in sugar, which when your body is covered in, becomes very sticky!. It was about 10 Am when this went on. I didn't get home till 6:30 pm....

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