Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do as I say - Not as I do

Well, I kept telling myself 'I'm not going to bitch. I'm not going to bitch.' Guess what? I am. I got reminded why I hate this job today. All I'm hearing is how it's got to change. Well it ain't going to change there if some of their leads are the worst offenders. Lead by example my ass. The only one with an example is me. The guy preaching it himself was out of the back bay with his hairnet on smoking 2 feet from a door.

There was a girl with one of the maintenance guys playing on her little I-phone right on the line. Not one lead or the maintenance guy told her stop. Didn't say one word to her at all! I come around the corner, and I know and I could see that they saw her and the maintenance guy, I have to write her up instead of the 2 leads in the area. Sitting on a line she was supposed to be working on at playing on her phone. They called break and she bolted. I looked at the one lead. She tells me it's that way all the time. And I stated that they're supposed to be writing her up... Not just me.

They want it to look like we're following the rules. I swear they don't care if they really are.

God damn it's amazing this chocolate factory hasn't killed someone with the lack of ethics it has.

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