Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Elderly Care...

My father's staying at my mouth while he heals from his diabetic  sore....
Let me tell you. He's taking his toll on my and my other half. He's been very aggravating.
Not to say I don't love my dad, but wow he's being a pain in the ass.
For instance,
1. The food never meets his satisfaction. The only thing he doesn't bitch about is eggs over medium and biscuits and gravy.  Doesn't matter what it is98% of the time it "it taste horrible!" "It's too tough" (personally I think this is code for I need a dentist) "that's not what it should taste like". Really gets on your nerves when nothings ever good enough. Our coffee's too strong, too bitter, not sweet enough...  etc etc, I don't like it.... Not like I can hire a chef, or have money to spend and waist on buying expensive foods. Hell I can't afford feeding him while he's here, but we're making the best of it. What's weird is he eats thing I don't think he'll like. I made ham hocks and baby Lima beans.. He ate 2 bowls.
He doesn't bath himself much. He leaves my bath room looking just nasty. If he misses in there he doesn't say anything an I find it later. Cleaning it up... I haven't had to clean messes up like this since I took care of my step grandmother. And I think he's worse. He'll have an accident and not say anything and just leave the clothes smelling up my house.... I know he might be embarrassed, but I don't like my house smelling like an outhouse either.
He took over my living room. He wouldn't let us give him a bedroom. He had to plant his ass permanently in my living. And when he's acting the way he does sometimes, I find that we're hiding out in the bedroom or back room. We can't even enjoy a show on TV with out him bitching cause he doesn't like it. Well, we watch and listen to plenty fo stuff we don't want to hear with him there.
His bill collector are calling my phone. He doesn't think they need more than 25$ a month and he can just blow the rest on crap. And I do mean crap. He paid over $300 to someone for a CD on making money which just refers you to other peoples  to contact for more information and you have to pay for that too.... He bought 100 pocket knifes with out knowing what to do with all of them. He like this shopaholic now ...
y other half just looks at me and tells me he's sorry for when I was doing it all now that 's had a  taste of home husband. And then getting to take care of pop too... he's had a real taste of my life doing that one.

Now I can't wait for him to heal up and go home and at the same time I'm worried fi he does that he will end up in the same health again. If he refuses to get off his ass now, how the hell is he going to be able to when he goes home? He seriously tells me he won't get any exorcise. He doesn't need it. And he just thinks he'll be able to get up and be normal after months of staying off his foot and not moving. He needs to work up moving around and taking care of himself. And he won't.  My mother may be at the house, but she's mentally incapable of taking care of him. Military thing... My little brother will be working during the day.

If you ever thought taking care of your kids are hard, try your parents, grandparents.. You ain't seen nothing yet! Your kid you can put in the corner.
What do you do with your parents?

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