Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Lets talk Stroganoff.

So tonight for dinner I made home made stroganoff. When I was younger I liked it but didn't know how to make it tast like the restaurants. So I didn't a little guessing and playing one day. I no longer care if it's the appropriate recipe, because it's my best tasting one I've ever tried/figured out for it.

So you basic ingredient are;
egg noodles
Meat (usually ground beef, but you can use pre-made meat balls etc etc)
beef boulion
sour cream ( you can add milk to it if it's too rich for you, but you must have some sour cream for the right flavor)
onions (I always use fresh)
garlic (I always use fresh)
red pepper
basil (I always use fresh when I have it)

Now that is basic ingredients. You can get creative later if there's something you feel you need in this recipe. That's how some great recipes are made. Something sounds good later.

So cook you egg noodles per their recipe. Till soft.

In a skillet cook your ground beef, onions, garlic, untill beef is brown and onions and garlic are tender. You can used powdered onion & garlic, but put it in with the beef.

Add basil, paprika pepper, red pepper cook it in for a minute. Add the amounts to taste. I have never measured for this so add a little at a time for  those of you who don't know how much is to taste for you.

Add about a half a stick of buter. YOU NEED THE BUTTER FOR PART OF THE FLAVOR!

Then add in boulion about 2-3 TBLSP/cubes, but mind you, you may want to add more or less. I'm usually feeding 4-5 people with this.So if you're only cooking for 1-2 learn to adjust.

Then add sour cream. Stir it in till it melts in with the butter and meat. This is slightly more than covers the meat. You have to cover the noodles too so keep this in mind.
You can add a little milk if your short sour cream of it seems to rich for you, or if your trying to cut back your calories. What ever.

After this is mixed together just simmer it for a couple of minutes, and add your drained noodles to it.
Mix thoroughly. IF it's not coated enough add more milk or sour cream.
If the sauce seems bland, add more boulion and or butter.

If it needs salt, add it, but never add it till you are sure it needs salt.
Because some years ago they traded out MSG for salt as a preservative and everything now is over salted.

So it's hot. serve it with your favorite vegetable or one that you're craving that day, bread, salad... ETC.

And that's my stroganoff recipe... I have no exact measurements for it because I just taste it to see if it's right.


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