Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2011 Recap

Mom went in the nut V.A. hospital  two times.
I had pneumonia twice.
Pop went int the hospital for 2 months.
I was tested for cancer 5 times.
Pop had been in my house since he got out of the hospital 5 months ago.
I was diagnosed with hypo-hypothyroidism.
I had to tell my drunken alcoholic brother that my dad wanted him out of his house.
I got to clean my parents house.
My sister who said she was going to help me with our parents moved to Tennessee.
   (And I got to clean out her houses garage.. a full ass garage... too)
I was constantly sick all year till they figured out my thyroid was bad and on the verge of losing my job.
One of my cousins died of cancer
My uncle went in the hospital a week after my dad.

And those are just the highlights.

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