Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yet another asinine Candy Company Moment..

  • Yet another asinine Candy Company  Moment..
    At 2 years you're supposed to get 80 hours vacation. Last year when they had the fiscal year end, they prorated my vacation time minus a month. Since i was a month short of a year... Make sense so far?
    So according to the Employee manual I got. You got hours earned given to you at the May 1st fiscal year of the 2 year ....

    This is the whole vacation statement....

    Colleague’s vacation days are earned by the number of years of service as follows:

    Continuous Years of Service Number of Vacation Hours

    After 1 year 40 Hours

    After 2 years 80 Hours

    After 10 years 120 Hours

    Vacation is earned and available to eligible colleagues on May 1st

    For colleagues with fewer than 15 years of service, vacation time not used the year it is earned is forfeited. Vacation time may only be used after the May 1st anniversary date. Colleagues are encouraged to take vacation time during our slower production periods from January to July. Please schedule your vacation as far in advance as possible. The colleague’s supervisor must approve vacation dates. Colleagues with 15 years or more of service may carry over vacation time for use in the next fiscal year (May 1 – April 30) up to 40 hours maximum. Vacation pay is not considered hours worked for overtime purposes. We encourage colleagues to take earned vacation days so that they will return to work refreshed and rested.


    Now if they prorated the first year on this,, Wouldn't you assume they'd at least prorate the second year and then on the third give you the full 80?
    They're saying that you won't get the 80 hours till my third year (basically since their cut off is May 1st and I was hired on June 2nd) And I won't get the 37.5 hours that they cheated me out of this year either.

    and "YUP!" In case you're wondering... I lost my fucking temper.

    My boss had this horrified look, cause we all know why I do when I'm mad at work right? I go job hunting. I'm going to have to update my resume and go job hunting.
    So he had poor Linda in HR try and calm me down and explain it to me. I flat out told them I got it already and that it was bullshit and basically stealing.
    If I took 37.5 hours from them I'd be charged and arrested. And yes, I'm writing an appeal to this shit and calling the labor commission. to see how they they can get away with it.

    And a very bad way to deal with it... I bought a bottle and having a drink. I'm actually a LOT calmer now. ....

    I want to know what kind of asshole would say :Oh you got hired before may 1st so you get your vacation. And ha ha ha you were hired after may 1st you have to wait an ENTIRE year you get what everyone else is getting". I'd like to kick him in the balls.
    I hate this fucking job! From day one. If I didn't need to pay my bills....

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