Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What 'THEY' said and didn't say...!

Got to share my day.. Bear with me...
First thing this morning one of the temps hurt his back. There goes 30 minutes of my time or more......

They ran nothing but W.I.P. that had to be pulled for COA's (certificate of analysis). And I mean ALL DAY>

Then my boss wanted his project done he asked for before he went on vacation a week ago.

Then one of the friggen temps was outside in his hairnet and apron. A HUGE no no!. And my boss happened to see him and told me to wait and get his ass. So of course I did. Who says "well they didn't tell me that!" He said when I caught him. I flat out told him it's covered in the GMP's you get before coming here. I had to reiterate that statement 5 times with him before he shut up!

Then someone (they loved to snitch on one another..especially if they were caught for it themselves at one point) came and told me one of the temps had fake nails one. I had to go up to the employee entrance so I could catch her and sure enough.... fake nails with polish, glitter and jewels! She then said that someone told her it was OK. (how many times have I heard this before? Really? Can't they come up with something better than that?) I asked who? Someone at the temp agency was the reply. I said Bull. Because you GMP's cover this. Then it was a "I'm waiting till payday so I can get them off." So I flat out told her "You have to take them off right now, or you can't work." She said the same thing again. I said "Take em off now, or go home." She argued she can't take them off with ripping her nails off. Now I'm not friggen stupid. I know you can go home and soak them in fingernail polish (Which takes a bit of time) or acetone. They will come off, but arguing with me that she had to pay to have them off? Really!? So she was sent home. I'm not dealing with it.

Then I walk over to let her lead know to tell the girls mother she said she'd pick her up after work. So I go over and I glance up.. and what do I see?
A friggen temp with 2 clear insert in her eyebrow & 1 in her labret (mouth). So I send her to take them out. She comes back down and they start cracking jokes about piercing. I'm down for that. But ten I look over at her laughing and she has a friggen tongue piercing still in that I didn't see the first time. I told her to go take it out as well. She came back with "They said I could have them as long as they're plastic." I looked at her and said "No. That's even worse." "But they said I could". I asked who they were? She said the lady at temp ------- that signed her up. I asked her name. "I don't know her name." (Do they ever? NO!)

Honestly?! It's covered more than once with them during their training.....

I got nothing done. between the extra's my boss wanted and all the crap and the areas problems....


  I wanna throw a tantrum and argue that 'THEY' said I could.. I'm gonna hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get my way.. (LMAO I'm waiting for that one in case you're wondering)
You know I walked in the door and Told my other half it's his turn. He can work and I'll stay home and take care of the kid. I've had enough the past two weeks.
When he asked "Why? What happened?"
I replied... "I went to work today"

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