Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Friday, January 25, 2013

Baby Bootie High Tops! (Crochet!)

I don't know what ya'll do, but I have to have something to reduce my stress. I think we all do to tell you the truth, but the relief of choice lately would be Crochet.

I found this guy on youtube  ( mikeyssmail ). I LOVE this guy! I did this following along to his videos. Now he has like 29 little videos that I put together on a playlist so you don't have to find them.
How to Crochet Baby Bootie High Tops.
Now there is one flaw in his larger version that I had to adapt to get them to look more like a high top. When you're reducing the rows, you need to reduce 2 more than he says  if you do the larger shoe like he is. If you don't, it makes the ankle/leg part way too fat. Unless your baby has extremely huge cankles, reduce 2 more  rows than he says.   Other than that, it's perfect!
I literally just crochet along to the videos he's made. I pause if he gets ahead of me. He crochets really fast. Faster than I do and I am not that slow.

Expect them to take about an hour in a half to two hours a bootie. Unless you're really good.
I'm giving them out to my nieces who are both expecting boys about the same time.

I also found Mikeys friends page. She does walk through tutorials as well just go to here Crochet Geek and you can find other cute patterns to do.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Old Fasioned Pancakes

1 1/2 Cup Four
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
1 Cup water or milk
1 Egg
3 Tbsp butter, oil or shortening (Melted

Mix all dry ingredients. Add add egg & water. Slowly add melted butter while mixing ingredient.

On a med heat on a pan till golden brown.