Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"Its not my job!"

My boss comes in and says "Why didn't you tell me that you still have that? I could have had So and So do it"
This in regards to the lot trace data entry I've been doing for years...
"I've been doing it every day." I said Probably a little pissy. I've heard will have someone help or do this for several years now...
Then I looked at my boss and asked "Can I tell everyone it's not my job."
He looks at me and starts to say "yess.... Wait in regards to what?"
"I'm not the computer tech.... I'm.." I started to continue...but he cut me off. "Yes you can. But you are not ALLOWED to tell me it's not your job." He stated firmly then was looking at the Temp resource lady and asked me but a moment later "Are we out of large hairnets?"
I looked at him and said " I don't know. " and as quick as a wink while starting to laugh I said "IT"S NOT MY JOB!"
He started to say something then stopped and stated "You're right. It's not your job."
At this point I totally lost it laughing. For several minutes in fact. So hard that he kept looking back through the office windows as he walked away. ....... and several times on the way home I was laughing...... LOL cause "Its not my job!"

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