Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Easy Peazy Lemon Squeezy

So yesterday at work they were trying to figure out how to put an allergen sticker on cream containers. Since we all know those gallon containers tend to get condensation on them the stickers wouldn't stick on them. I was out at my last break and could hear them paging me to receiving. Them I heard my boss call me to receiving. I finished my break and went into the office. Then I was told my boss wanted me in receiving. So I went strolling on up only to find they were trying to get an allergen label to stick to the jug. Then they were apparently looking for a color code marker to write on them. I laughed and said "watch this."..
I walked over wrapped the label around the handle and slapped on around the other side so that they suck to each other.


 Problem solved in under a minute. Apparently, they'd been working on it at least a half a hour. So I sent my boss this photo and wrote on it the following message "easy peazy lemon squeeze. Problem solved ". He never commented back... lol

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