Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Change Your Path

In reality, there is no perfect life. No perfect relationship.
You have to assess the pro's and con's of your life, your relationships and your jobs.
Most things that are really worth it in life, are a long hard struggle. If it was easy, we couldn't appreciate it.
In your life there are things that you can and can not change.

You can't change the past. Deal with the wounds and move on as best you can.
Know that nothing heals instantly. Everything takes a little time.
Don't let something wound you so badly that you can't move past it. Living in the past can and will only harm your quality of life. I'm not saying forget your past, learn and grow from it.

You can change the path in your life. But no one said that that is easy.
If your life depresses you so drastically that it affect your health, your quality of life and the company of your good friends, perhaps it's time to change it. It's scary and its a hard thing to do, but change it. Even the smallest change for the better, can be in your benefit.
If your friends, partner and family love you, they will accept you've changed and love you all the more for it. Unfortunately, if they don't, it's part of what you may need to change in order to better yourself..... sometimes even to save yourself.
Harming others will not make you feel better. In fact it will make you unhappy with yourself. Or in some cases unhappier. ....

And I do swear, if you've changed things in your life for the better, life will occasionally remind you of what you chose to leave behind. Give you a glimpse of the improvement when you least expect it.
I've more than once in my life have had to say "I didn't realize how stressful my life was before until I had to deal with it again".. on several aspects of my past in fact.

Right now after my view again of what I could still be living with, I'm extremely grateful for the Man and the Son that I have.
The love and support of family and friends (you know who you are) who have been an asset and have stayed in my life through all my changes good and bad.

But right now, I'm extremely glad that I changed my path.....

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