Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Epiration Date of NEW Clothing

Have we all noticed the EXTREME decline in quality clothing?

So far no brand has been exempt. JMS (Just My Size), Wrangler, Faded Glory, Riders & Levi Strauss all have a basic life span of 6 months or less these days.

It's truly disgusting how badly we are being cheated by these companies. Not only have the prices gone up, but the quality has gone so far down, that none of them has quality you can trust. 

I recently bought a pair of JMS jean that literally wore out in 3 months. The pants were slightly to big to boot! I am distrustful of all these old trusted companies. Their lack of quality has sent even one I know looking for clearance and hugely discounted sales for clothing.

I am currently trying out the Costco brand 'Kirkland' and the brands running through their store in hopes that Costco standards have been enforced on these companies.

I bought a pair of Kirkland brand shoes (they were only $16) that has recently just past the 6 month expiration date that any other brand of shoes I have bought fall apart by.

I think some sort  of quality regulation should be enforced.

I am thoroughly disillusioned with all of them!

Someone give a name we can trust!

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