Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Work Conversation

It was almost time to go when a supervisor came in and we were started chatting. The lady from the Temporary service we use was there too.

 He asked if I've ever heard of Stinko De Mayo. I looked at him funny and asked him what it was. It's basically something a Radio Station did. Where you would bob for prizes in mayonnaise. He said it was so gross. People would throw up in it and and other people would still bob for prizes after they had...

The Temporary Lady said "My stomach just twinged".
I looked at her totally horrified at the though of bobbing for prizes after someone puked in it and blurted out "Your stomach just twinged? Mine just jumped and hid behind my uterus!"

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