Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, September 14, 2014

2 Year Anniversary - September 13, 2014

So the impending  Anniversary of my fathers death was yesterday. But this year I was feeling it a bit.So to deal with my angst I did this............

So what if the neighbors think I'm weird... Lately, since he's died, I dive into this holiday. Just not usually in September... I've been adding a little every week since I'm in overtime at work. There will be more to come... I'm having my Fiance' build me a coffin this year to add to the collection. I found a witch mask so I've decided to build me a which and buy a plastic cauldron or make one who knows...

My son helping me with the placement felt he needing to be in the picture, but trying to hide. I made the Headstones last year
My fiance' cut them out of wood we had around the house. The joy of being with a construction workers. My son and I painted them. Obviously I did the lettering, but painting the base color lets him feel like a huge contributor. Which he is.

My son got to place all the bones.
You should always let your children help. They get a kick out of it.

My $5 dollar store find!

My son, an angel, and my skeleton dog from Smiths.

So a little update to my yard.... 10-3-2014

Yes, I drove home with the Skeleton showing in my seat just like this.

My son and the skeleton

A few humorous props don't hurt your Halloween any..

The witch I made this year.
My son keeps taking and playing with the skeletons helmet....

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