Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The measure of a Man

in the 9 nine years my other half and I have been together, he's been kind of a selfish ass. But every so often he shines.
We've had a tough  nine years. Broke, layoff, new baby, depression... you name it.
He recently got a really go job and for once, he told me to get something I wanted. I've always wanted a Jeep. ALWAYS.
He told me to look for one..... I don't think he thought I'd find one so quickly though, but when I told him about it he said "Go ahead." Not what about what he wants, he did make a crack about a motorcycle. and I'm game. I've always wanted one of those too.
I now have this beautiful, 4 door Jeep. Yellow in color. I've wanted one since I was 14 years old at least.... I'm now 44. At this point in life I figure I'd probably never have one... especially not this nice.

It makes me love him all the more.

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