Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Friday, February 12, 2016

Jordan valley hospital in utah

The doctors here took my husband off work for the next 3 months.  I have insurance and every time were in here they're demanding anywhere from $350-$700 and my deductible is paid in full! . My husband was the main bread winner and that income is gone while he's off and they demands money or they will pretty much let him fall victim to his illness because they won't preform the procedure with out it.  Most of my income goes to pay the dam health insurance.  How they expect us to pay our house payment, bills,  feed or son  and them all at once too is beyond me.   I have no choice because this is Where the insurance covers.  They already got what little bill money I had for this month and all they said was,  money or we can't help you.

I've never Welch's on a bill in my life and we're being treated like fucking deviants!

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