Winter Why's
Friday, February 3, 2017
Day shift position
Monday, August 8, 2016
Pokemon Go
I put the game in and then the IT guy at work had me give it a second shot.
Yes I'm hooked.
So here's some hints that I have learned so far,
Get as many of any pokemon you see as humanly possible. You need all the stardust you can get from capturing them.
Get rid of all the little ones. Transfer them to the professor for that Pokemon candy.
Keep the pokemon with the Highest CP value. Use the highest CP value to evolve.
Fight in the GYMS! Get you high VP value Pokemon in the gyms. If you keep them in a day, each day you get 10 coins and 500 stardust just for managing to stay in the gym. Powering them up after evolving them takes stardust and candy. Evolving takes a certain amount of candy per each Pokemon.
You can use real money to buy balls, luck eggs, incense, lures, etc. But this will ass up fast. A buck doesn't go very far. Get it in the game.
As it so happens, many players play in the vehicles. If you can't can't deride you attention properly. DON'T DO IT! You shouldn't do it at all, but we're all guilty of hitting those Poke-stops while driving. IT is dangerous!
Upgrade your bag to carry more balls etc. It's wroth it with the coin you make. The more balls you can carry the better.
Go to Parks, Zoo, Landmarks etc. Very public places have the most Poke-stops and Pokemon.
Battle The Gyms! They also help you level up.
If you go in and rename Evee it will make slightly Different Evolution's of Evee - Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon
1. rainer - Will give you a water type
2. pyro - will give you a fire type
3. letting Evee evolve normally gives you An electric Evee
The following excerpt if from
4. Espeon
5. Umbreon
6. Glaceon
7. Leafeon
8. Sylveon
Since "Pokemon Go" is getting an update, it's possible that other forms of Eevee might show up in the game. As to which ones? That's anybody's guess.
Images: The Pokemon Company; Giphy; Giphy; Giphy
Needless to say, with it's populariety, the could see more coming.
Use your lucky eggs when evolving. And then try and save up all your evolution's for one setting. It will double your points and help boost you to the next level
More as I have it.
Until then,
Happy Pokemon Hunting!
Friday, February 12, 2016
Jordan valley hospital in utah
The doctors here took my husband off work for the next 3 months. I have insurance and every time were in here they're demanding anywhere from $350-$700 and my deductible is paid in full! . My husband was the main bread winner and that income is gone while he's off and they demands money or they will pretty much let him fall victim to his illness because they won't preform the procedure with out it. Most of my income goes to pay the dam health insurance. How they expect us to pay our house payment, bills, feed or son and them all at once too is beyond me. I have no choice because this is Where the insurance covers. They already got what little bill money I had for this month and all they said was, money or we can't help you.
I've never Welch's on a bill in my life and we're being treated like fucking deviants!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
The measure of a Man
We've had a tough nine years. Broke, layoff, new baby, depression... you name it.
He recently got a really go job and for once, he told me to get something I wanted. I've always wanted a Jeep. ALWAYS.
He told me to look for one..... I don't think he thought I'd find one so quickly though, but when I told him about it he said "Go ahead." Not what about what he wants, he did make a crack about a motorcycle. and I'm game. I've always wanted one of those too.
I now have this beautiful, 4 door Jeep. Yellow in color. I've wanted one since I was 14 years old at least.... I'm now 44. At this point in life I figure I'd probably never have one... especially not this nice.
It makes me love him all the more.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Letters from Santa
I made sure, even though I got laid off recently, that he had just about everything he asked for. He had straight A's on his report card. For a six year old good marks and a happy mom is important, but I not only got to see straight A's, but his teacher raved about him so when I went in for the parent teacher conferences that I knew there was no way it could be a bad Christmas for him.
Then there was that inspired moment. people kept posting all these sights willing to take your money to send your child a Letter from Santa. I thought to myself 'Why give them money? I can do this just as easily as they can. I can even make an envelope with a post mark on it. I wouldn't even have to waste the stamp, so that's exactly what I did! I had some marble looking stationary that I printed it on. You can get cheap stationary from the dollar store these day...
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Letter From Santa |
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Post marked Envelope from North Pole |
Monday, October 27, 2014
Halloween Creations 2014
I made some of my best large decorations. Pumpkin Monster is my favorite right now.
Alien mask stuffed with a balloon, metal fence post, material, scary gloves and eyes drawn on paper. Garbage bag ghost is a tomato cage a balloon and face drawn on with a marker. |
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Home made Headstones made of wood, bag of bones and dollar store skeleton heads and some old garden fencing. |
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When I bought the skelton he looked so funny driving him home in my car. |
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$5 dollars at one of the local dollar stores. |
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He was a little more expensive. $15 and his eyes light up. |
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3 foot reaper from walmart for $15. He's vocal and animated by sound. |
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30$ on sale at Smiths.. My other big splurge this year. |
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Dollar store knocker |
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Striped Witch socks for $1 at Walgreens |
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Witches broom made from a branch that broke off our apple tree and weeds from up the road and some rope. |
Friday, October 10, 2014
The call ever parent fears.
His school called telling me he was absent today......
I text my Fiance and checked, who said he dropped him off 5-10 minutes late, but he took him to school.
I called the school and had them physically go check his class for him.
He was not there.
So completely panicked I called my boss freaking out and got his voice mail. I left a message on his phone. One of the leads at my work walked in while I was leaving the message.... I was already bawling at this point. I explained to her and told her I needed to check my house. That was as calm as I could get about the situation. I'd check the house then if he wasn't home I'd call the police.
I called my Fiance on my drive back home to find that he was there already and that My son took it upon himself to walk home this morning.
Meanwhile, while driving home I continued with my nervous breakdown. I cried in my driveway for at least ten minutes while I debated on beating my kid or hugging him to death. I go inside and my boy's back on the computer playing.
That wasn't going to fly. I grounded him from the computer and X-box.
I explained to my little boy that his school calls me when he doesn't go. That I though a bad person had gotten him and when bad people take kids, they don't usually come back.
He went to his room and I went out back to continue my nervous break down before calling my boss to let him know we found him. Told him I'd be in tomorrow because I was going to have a nervous breakdown for the rest of the day.
My boss told me to give him a hug and then slap him in the back of the head for him.
That option sounded good to me too.
Thankfully I'll never know the answer to that.... My son was safe and I could breath again.