Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome to 2012! ~ Happy New Year!

Eat drink and be Merry!
And before I get drunk, naked and thrown in jail, lose my damn  phone and computer...

Happy  New Years!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Without Prompting... My ASS!

So being a Q.A., and my job finally wanting to take cleaning seriously, I was taking advantage of it and having people clean up stuff that has been driving me crazy for a long time. Little by little it's starting to get to a decent level... SO, the next morning that pom-pass butt head, who I still can't believe got promoted at all, was saying how after posting the pictures of how thing look before and how they should look after that the people I had cleaning up stuff did it with out prompting from him. Well no shit Sherlock! It was prompting from me!  got no credit and he's telling everyone that it's because of his how it should look pictures on the wall. Will I ever get credit for anything?!  No one in there has cleaned anything unless I asked them too with the exception of the reall basic stuff so they could look busy with out being busy.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Little Green Monster

So the layoffs at work came and went. I had gotten someone a job and they were laid off. In all her talk she said she didn't care, didn't like the job, and couldn't wait to get a different one. So I talk to her and realize that she's a bit more pist off than she wanted me to know. Then i heard from other co-workers, that she was really pist off. I mean really really pist off! And the way it's starting to look. She's more pist off that I was kept and she wasn't. She said I was going to be My bosses little Bitch yesterday. Can we say bitter? If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have had a job in the first place. She wasn't able to get one on her own for all her talk. She kept telling me that all these people were going to get her in a job. Then she had to ask me for one. I was the only one that came through, and she's being a bitch cause she was laid off and I wasn't. I've survived 2 layoffs at this company some how. I don't even know how I have. Maybe because I don't sneak off for extra smoke breaks... humm... But further more, how does she dare be such a bitch about it to me and behind my back? I warned her it was a seasonal job. I at least got her employed for 6 months. But now she's being an ass to me and about me behind my back. Because she was laid off and I was kept. What did she expect? My boss to let me go and keep her? I didn't see that happening. He didn't seem to like her for some reason either. She couldn't even run the spell checker like she was asked or re-read to make sure what the spell checker referred her to was the correct word. She dogged the scale checks for most of the time she was on night shift I just found out and she apparently did everything half assed and then expected to be kept. I keep finding more and more shit I have to fix. She has no right to be pist at me. I at least tried to help her. And I wasn't a bitch about it.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our Chocolate Company isn't so sweet after all.....

     So I work for a chocolate company. They laid everyone off last night and this morning on the two shifts at our company. Yup! They laid off nearly everyone the last working day before Christmas. 

No. I was not one of them, but still... That is pretty low.  Couldn't they at least wait till after the new year... ?
One off the new "big bosses" totally botched an order we were doing for a major company back east. I being a Q.A. had refused to let the chocolate pass for shipping. And at first they agreed. All but the new big boss. He then convinced all the big bosses, including mine, that it had to go or it we  would pay a big fine. Next thing I'm hearing was... "It's not that bad. It doesn't taste chalky to me." Guess what? The company they sent it to, agreed with me. It was chalky, the color was faded, it didn't taste very minty..... We lost any ground we had gained with this company.... And screwed the company as far as I'm concerned. But I was out ruled, out numbered, and over ruled about it. Now, that new big boss doesn't take responsibility for what he did. He says stuff like "We don't want another screw up like that last order." Like, WE, the employees did it or something. That HE had nothing to do with it. When in reality, it was ALL him! I tried. I tried to go to the other big bosses only to be told it had to ship! And treated like dog shit for arguing. For stating that it was all bad! For not listening to him and trying to go over his head.... I  honestly couldn't believe that I still had a job when the lay offs happened. I heard the rumor that he wanted me gone and that he was convincing my boss that I didn't do anything and that I should be gone....
I think he may almost have had him convinced till I found that would in the fondant.. I found out where it was coming from. It was that a part of the ceiling over the fondant plant was finally rotted enough to start dropping pieces into our open top of out sugar and corn syrup feeder. I caught it. Like all the other major shit that is bad there.  I catch the bad weights on the tins and he waits till night shift and then sent it out with out the proper weight in the chocolates. So all these people will be shorted the amount of chocolate they bought.

This company is going to put itself out of business this way, and with him helping. I would swear he's working for a competitor.
 I can't walk away unless I get another job. Jobs are scarce right now.... God help me. It's like being told that you can't talk someone out of doing something wrong when you know there's  a cops right there.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dragon Mail Box


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thanks to anyone who voted for Karen and Danny on the OC Tanner contest!

Unfortunately it wasn't enough and they didn't win. But any votes were greatly appreciated!