Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Friday, December 30, 2011

Without Prompting... My ASS!

So being a Q.A., and my job finally wanting to take cleaning seriously, I was taking advantage of it and having people clean up stuff that has been driving me crazy for a long time. Little by little it's starting to get to a decent level... SO, the next morning that pom-pass butt head, who I still can't believe got promoted at all, was saying how after posting the pictures of how thing look before and how they should look after that the people I had cleaning up stuff did it with out prompting from him. Well no shit Sherlock! It was prompting from me!  got no credit and he's telling everyone that it's because of his how it should look pictures on the wall. Will I ever get credit for anything?!  No one in there has cleaned anything unless I asked them too with the exception of the reall basic stuff so they could look busy with out being busy.

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