Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Allergy Time

      Oh yeah! It's that time of year again. Last year I learned that allergies can make you lose your voice on top of making you sick, runny noise, head ache, fever, go into shock... You know. All that lovely stuff we enjoy sooo much. Well This year, I not only lost my voice, but i can't seem to get it back. I sound like someone who's smoked for a 100 years or something. That is when it's not making me sound like a young boy going through puberty. So I had also acquired pneumonia this year at the same time. I sounded so awful, even after going to the doctor, that my boss sent me home with in an hour and a half of going to work. The next day when I contacted him to ask how long I had been 'banished' for, he informed me that he wanted a note from my doctor saying it was 'OK' for me to be working.this was easier said than done. Monday I had gone to the doctor, Tuesday was the day he sent me home, so Wednesday was the day he wanted the note. My doctor happens to have every Wednesday off. So I couldn't call them till Thursday and they didn't get back to me till Friday. I missed the whole week of work.
 When I finally got the note and went back to work the following monday, he asked how I was doing. I said much better, which I was after being on antibiotics for a week. He looked at me not believing me. I looked at him and said. "I was flat out told it's allergies. There's nothing I can do about it." But in all this the doc tells me to take double what I normally take for my allergies. Well as it is, I already take the maximum dose you can take over the counter with out a prescription. So I asked the doc to write a prescription so I could buy 2 boxes at the same time. He did. The pharmacy said it doesn't work that way. I said call the doctor and get it fixed. Getting it fixed turned into a 137$ prescription of Allegra that can be bought over the counter for 20$. I don't get that AT ALL!. ti's exactly the same thing. Well insurance paid for it, thank god, and I now have my double dose. But not before my allergies came to a horrible climax of a migraine, no voice, tiredness, sick, and a mood that went with that to match all MOODS!
My son decided to have a tantrum about coming in the house when we got back to the house before they filled my prescription and while I was at the height of my migraine induced attitude. I had managed to keep my cool till this point they I finally lost it at my sons tantrum. I screamed at him "GO TO YOU"RE FUCKING ROOM!" I don't swear at my son. I never do. Then Ray asked "Is he having an attitude? : I yelled at him too. "NO! I AM! I got stuck in on 5400 for the last hour because of a car wreck, I have a migraine, and they screwed up my prescription yet again!" Now it was kinda his fault I got stuck behind the accident. He told me he was working late then it turned out he was home right after I had picked up the boy. Basically he didn't want to pick up the boy and lied to me about working late. So I picked  up the boy, backtracked to the store and ended up stuck on the road not moving for an hour because of his lie and an accident..
Then I still had to go to the new pharmacy where I had my prescription sent because the other one wouldn't take my insurance. I get there and after I had talked to them an hour earlier they still hadn't filled the prescription. So I wanted to rip the woman's head off, but managed not to. I got home, took my pill and went to bed. It was all I could do because my migraine was to such a point I was unable to anything else.
Now I'm double dosing to survive the end of my allergy season......

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