Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Potty Training Incentives...

So my fiance' and I have been bouncing ideas on potty training incentives back and forth. We came up with getting a Gumball/Candy machine that he can earn money each time he goes potty to use to get candy from the machine. He loves M&M's and Hershy's Kisses. So we were looking at all these toy machine that took money, but they all would give him candy with out putting money in too. The idea is to make him earn the treat, not let him sneak free candy. 
I happened apon an add on KSL for a REAL machine for the price of one of the toy machines I was looking for. I called, talked to the gentleman and I bought it after seeing it was BRAND NEW STILL IN THE BOX. It only takes quarters, but you can adjust how much candy comes out of the machine. You could even put in nuts and healthy choices (that wouldn't gum up the machine).
I'm enclosing the add for the  $35 vending machines KLS ad for $35 Gumball/Candy Vending Machine.

It's one hell of  a deal if you ask me... And a fun idea that teaches your kids to go potty and the value of earning money.

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