Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Lovely Little Religeous & Political views of Utah..... Honestly People, Really?!

    So our lovely little state is trying to sneak yet another removal of alcohol out of the our convenience stores. First it was the malt whine and beverages, now they're trying to take out beer all together from them. Honestly people! Really?! They trying to close all the liquor stores by 5 pm. At least the ones they're not closing.  Now if pretty much 80% of  adult Utahans drink, and 60% plus of the state is Mormon, who are they trying to kid?
Basically a few uptight sphincter talking Hitler wannabes are trying to control everyone else. Just like trying to slip in their little abortion issues that would take away the right of women to have an abortion if it threatens their life, if they were raped, and all the other little lovely things that ain't none of their self important, hypocritical asses think they have say on.

I'm Pro Alcohol & I'm Pro Choice!
I don't run off and drink every day, every weekend, or even monthly, but I sure as hell don't think they have the right to control it if I do.
I don't run off and have  abortions, and I have NEVER had one, but I sure as hell am not going to tell someone else they can't. If a man can beat a woman till she loses her child when she's 9 months along, and they don't consider that MURDER, how the hell can you say a woman having an abortion with in the first trimester is?

They just let some child molester who , by the way, refused a second opinion when it was wanted, go out to walk to streets because he's supposedly incompetent to stand trial. Now he's free to go abuse other children. Isn't that nice?  If he's too incompetent to stand trial, he should damn well be too incompetent to be loose on the streets.

Our government can't agree on spending for the government, but they want to tell us how to live our lives? If they can't do their job to run the country properly, I sure as shit don't want them to try and tell me how to run my life properly. I run my house hold budget a hell of a lot better than they run the budget of our country.
I wear patched clothing, hand me down, donated clothing, simply because after keeping my bills paid and food on our table, I can't afford clothing for myself. I take of my son, his father, and by the time It comes to getting me things I need, there's nothing left. Maybe they should cut  their paycheck, drive their own cars instead of us buying cars for them to drive, ...... Let them have to survive on what we do and see how they like it. They , when  and if you do qualify for help, some one comes along and cuts it off?!
Up till 2 years ago, I've been the taxpayer paying for all these things for other people, but the moment I need help the answer is I don't qualify or it's so little help you wonder why you bother with all the hassle and paperwork?

Oh yeah, and TOTALLY for kicking all the illegal immigrants right the hell off our help list at this point, because if I can't get help for myself because we're so busy helping criminals who snuck into this country illegally, You damn right I have no pity at this point. I sit and listen to a bunch of foreigner telling each other at my work how to get around all this shit and get stuff they don't qualify for either. So they drive nice sports cars and trucks, while I'm killing myself to get by.....
I totally jumped for joy when over a dozen of them got caught by the E-Verify with their illegal social security cards. We now actually have Americans getting jobs in our factory.
Yes I'm ranting. Those of us who are legally in the U.S. or born here are getting screwed because of the ones who aren't. We'd be able to get the help WE need if we weren't so busy looking away on illegal immigrants and handing out food, money, housing, and health care.
And then I hear them all saying how American sucks! GO THE FUCK HOME THEN! Sneak you ass right  the hell back out of our boarders!
OK, enough said for the moment.

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