Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Can you say "SCREWED!"?

OK, so let's update shall we.
Chris has moved out of my parents house, but his existence is still causing them hell.
All those broken down truck, windows, garbage,metal scrapes etc etc now has an imposing fine of 18,000$ on it.
You know what that means?
In order to collect they try and put lean/take your house.
So I called and now get to deal with it.
We struck a good conversation with the guy.
But now, once again, I'm having to go over there and clean up all the shit.
And they specifically mentioned his broken down trucks, windows and the that stuff the worthless asshole has been piling up in the yard for years.....
So now My fiance, my little brother and I are now going to have to spend our free time cleaning up his shit again,
or they take my parents house basically for the impending fines....
And while I love my parents and John, I really don't have room for everyone in my house. It's small.
Not to mention my mother has really special needs of needing space due to her mental disability...
Sometimes it sucks being the good daughter....
Can you say.... "SCREWED!"

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