Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

When it rains it pours.. Literally & Figuratively

It's had great storm clouds outside and My 70 plus parents aren't doing their best for the last little while.
The city of Taylorsville is on their ass again for stuff my elder brother had done to their yard. Basically filling it up with junk.
He's now supposedly going to move to Washington now and will grab what of his junk he wants and then will, more than likely,leave all the junk for us to deal with.
I.E. broken down vehicles, broken windows from one of his old jobs, broken tools garbage so on and so forth. He's give the dump a run for their money.
My mother has now apparently turned diabetic on top of her schizophrenia and sleep apnea. She will be spending 3-4 weeks in the VA and nursing home for a while they get  her to take her medication again.
My Dad's still at my house while we finish getting his foot healing. (Almost there!) It seems that last little bit is the hardest and longest. Then he will return to his home.
Honestly think we should go hock what we can to get money to clean up the place and cover our gas and dump runs we'll have to make.

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