Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Friday, March 23, 2012

Making an example...

So where I work is making changes. Some for the better. Others I have no idea about yet. The one person I never thought that would be let go, was. No one cared about repercussions because they were her friend or relation of hers. Then Tuesday m boss closes the door to the office and says "You're gonna hear ti soon enough. R**a's been let go." I about shit! I never thought that they would. She was all buddy buddy with with the new production manager. Who I might add doesn't care much for me as far as I know. 
But then I was informed that Wednesday I was wanted in the 10 AM meeting... At first I thought nothing of it, then I thought maybe I was next.. Nope. Nothing happened at the meeting.
  I don't know what to think. I don't trust anyone there. That whole place seems sleazy.

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