Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Father, Job, Home, & Money

Life in general is far to complicated to even give you a remote taste of it in a blog.

My father.
My father went into the hospital last Friday.  Of his own accord this time. When he left my house two months ago after a year here he could walk and lift a case of non alcoholic wine by himself off my front porch.
He's home for two months and he had gotten to the point where he fell on his way to the bathroom again and couldn't get up. Caused new wounds on his feet legs etc.. and apparently on his back side from the lack of movement. He has massive edema from not taking care of himself, but not taking his meds. The only reason he called the nurse to go was the his family jewels became highly effected by the edema. And the only thing he cares if it's taken care of is the fact that his balls hurt. The doc asked if I could take him in and take care of him. I said I have to work and he's now needs 24 hour a day care again.... He'll be going into a a place while he heals well enough to go home again. All that hard work, fighting with my other half because he can't handle it, and now we're back to this again cause he wants to spend all his money on new toys....

My job.
It's my under standing that the night Q.A. is about to be fired tomorrow (monday) when she comes in.. We'll be hiring a new one I get to train again... happily they've postponed the SQF audit, or I'd really be having a hard time getting one trained.... I'm now so far behind on the night and day paperwork it's truly irritating...

And I swear the president of the company looked like he was trying to catch me doing something wrong Friday at the end of the shift... I wasn't. I was trying to get the lab samples out. So I don't know what he thought I was doing?

My home.
My other half has been helping his nephew remodel his new Tattoo & skateboard shop he's going to try and make work in this economy.  He's never home.. it's feels like he stays there on purpose so he doesn't have to be home with us.... I think he's liking getting out of the house, but a job would do that too...
I miss my son and I'm tired. Tired that I can't always  give him the attention that he wants/needs.. Life sucks that way.

We just bare seen to stay afloat.. but we won't for long if my other half doesn't get at least a part time job.

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