Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Is Brother There?"

          So my other half gets a phone call on his phone in the middle of the night. It was late and his sister so I answered it.

"Is brother there?" she asked slurring so heavily I almost didn't understand her.
"Yeah but they're all sleeping." I stated
"Who's this?" She asked still slurring heavily.
I said my name.
"What's brother doing there?' She asked baffled.
"He lives here." I stated. thinking it's going to be one of "THOSE" conversation with a drunk.
"Ra--'s always lived here." I said.
"I'm calling for brother." She slurred almost unintelligibly.
Then it clicked. She calls her eldest son "brother".
"He's not here." I said
"OH! I must have dialed the wrong number...." She said
"Yeah. This is Ray's phone." I said trying not to laugh.
"OK. I LOVE YOU!" She said letting me know she's totally bombed. She never tells me she loves me.
"I love you too.." I said "BYE." and I hung up.

The next morning  I was due to help her with her online unemployment & job search. No she can't do it alone... I text her 'I'm up when you're up' pretty sure it would be a while after the late night phone call.
She text back "Sorry. Text me when you're up." Amused at this I text back 'LOL I text you a half hour ago that I was up. Are you?'. She text back 'Yes lol sorry I will be there i need a cup of coffee to sober up ad I will be there thanks'.......

And the saga continues......

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