Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bills, sucky winter hours and how I'm the on who always misses out on my birthday.. Fucking BITES!

I was $500 ahead last month. I held onto it not knowing why.... I found that with my father here and his oxygen maker my power bill it still at 95$, my water bill was almost $70, and instead of only going through 3-4 gallons of milk we're going through 8-12 gallons... instead of 2 dozen eggs a month we just went through 4 in one week. My grocery bill had tripled somehow with one more person and I have no idea what we're going to do with my job going into winter hours..I'll be lucky to see 40 hours a week right now... My other half still doesn't have a job, and if he doesn't get a part time job on the weekends, we could be totally screwed.. I guess our son should be happy to get the t gift I already got him, and we adults won't be getting shit... and once again, there will be no money to get me anything for my birthday again this year and I'm the only one who went with out last year and it's looking to be that way again this year. I got my other half that awesome radio for his truck.. and I'll be shit out of luck for my birthday like usual.At least my son will have something.

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