Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Little by little

Little by little. My friend K had Chemo yesterday, and I went and visited V yesterday morning. I just lied to the dentist and said it was this morning. It's snowed last night and everybody's health is making me exhausted. Then we got to have over a nephew who's mentally challenged and they decided to take him off his meds at some point and I didn't know. The mood swings are fantastic!
Have you ever watched 'Letter to God'? Wrong choice of movies last night. I cried at the end.
Oh yeah, it's still snowing... Winters never been the same with Hypothyroidism. You  get cold fast and a chill you can't get rid of easily.
I still need to go grocery shopping for Thanks Giving... And being in the stores this time of year is terrible.

Plus i need to do the bills first.. this is going to suck...

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