Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What the Hell?

Did my job and more than normal today, Even got the GMP's done. And along comes my boss giving me shit cause he supposedly searched the whole plant for me... I shook my head at him. He said it was about ten to three.. I went on break I told him. He then asked what happened to going with everyone else? I said the first wave went and then I went thinking the rest were going and they didn't, and I had to write someone up for having a tongue ring in. He demanded to know who had one in. I said I have on way of knowing when they're actually going to go to break or not. I have no idea what his problem was, but I didn't deserve to be the target on this. All because he wanted to show me a trailer that wasn't even getting unloaded tonight anyway.... It's that time of year where people are always pointing the finger at anyone else cause it's lay off time and they want to get everyone else in as much trouble as they can to protect their jobs....etc etc.. It's not my fault they have me writing down every little indiscretion everyone does... If I don't write anything down, they'll know I'm full of shit! I know they're trying to get me in trouble. They always are. I know one it the shift co-ordinater and the other if that fucking lead.... They'll do anything to tarnish someone else and make themselves look better.

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