Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Decorations

I swore to myself that I would get a decorating piece for Halloween & Christmas every year to build up till I could decorate properly.. Hasn't happened yet. My tree is still the one from my Fiance's sister. Old and still a nice looking hand me down. The ornaments the ones she gave me and a few cheap ones that i bought. I seem to manage a new Christmas stocking every year for the boy, but that's about it. It seems I'm lucky to get my son gifts every year... That and the bills seems more important that my vow to buy a piece a year. But every year I think about it.

This year we're going to make gingerbread cookie and sugar cookie ornaments. I make and color some icing to decorate. Maybe we'll make some popcorn strings with jelly beans, or some other candy in-between. I have  a fondant recipe and a way to make it work like sugar paste. Maybe I'll give that a try and color it with food coloring.... Little flowers that you could eat. That would be fun.

I figure that my son would love to eat straight off the tree. Cheap fun that won't last forever....
A few ideas off the internet...

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