Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lay Off Season is Apon US!

Yup. We're at that time of year where my company starts laying off people. Now the Night Q.A. says she heard one of the night leads telling the other leads that MY boss was tired of me and was getting rid of me. But I also heard that they wanted to get rid of the lead that was rumoring about me too, so who knows. But He also pulled someone in and was talking to them about a Q.A. Position and didn't say anything to me about it. I only found out because she was asking me if it would be worth it. She swears she's only making 8.35$ and hour. Plus  the night Q.A. had heard about it too.
What I don't get is how one of the leads who has been there forever still has a job when she missed so many days and last winter she was late 2 days a week for a month. But I never heard once she was getting the hatchet. I got pulled in the office for my attendance when I was seeking medical treatment too. I got a verbal warning. Now I haven't missed a day since they got my on my thyroid pills, but I'm hearing I'm on the hatchet list. ..? I've got the night Q.A. telling me I can't tell anyone. And all I want to do is go up and ask him face to face. So I'm out of a  job perhaps. I guess I'll look anyway. Just like last year.
I found out that the ceiling was falling into our product and no one else even noticed.I'm the one who see all this stuff, catches all this bad shit. Told them that their stupid new product was chalky and nasty, even went up to argue it with the hirer ups only to be told it's going anyway (Which I now hear it's going to bite them in the ass by the way.).
They kept telling us that the one supervisor was just being given enough room to hang himself with and would be gone soon enough.... he got promoted.  You can't tell me that the whole joint is full of shit. I'm so  tired constantly feeling like an outsider because I'm doing what my boss wants me to do and yet I'm constantly made to feel that I'm not worth shit and they act like I'm not doing anything.
I have to pull samples and send them out to the lab this years too and do part of my bosses paperwork, so of course I'm not going to be able to get around as much.
I was skipping my breaks and killing myself and I've stopped doing that. Cause I'd go to break and I get my butt chewed for going to break. I don't like my break at the same time as the line because they expect me to sit and police them on my break. So of course I don't want to break with them. They expect me to work on my break and nobody else has to. I wish they'd lay me off and the same time I'm terrified they will cause we need the money and I need a raise...
Everyone is out for them selves, but I'm not allowed to be....

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