Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Frail Old Angel..

One night I had a dream

It left a tale to tell

I dreamed I saw an Angel

Poor thing, he wasn't well

His body was bruised and battered

His wings ripped and torn

I saw that he could barely walk

He looked so tired and worn

I walked right up and asked him

"How could this be?"    
 All Photos are Copyright of : Tashee Photography. (Sonya J Steiner) 
He turned and paused a bit

These words he spoke to me....

"I am your Gaurdian Angel

A great task as you can see

You've run amok all your life

Look what you've done to me

These bruises are from shielding you

In times of dire ill

The drugs you've used so dangerously

I've paid for you that bill

My wings you see are ripped and torn

A noble badge I bare

So many times they've flown for you

From evils un-aware

Each mark has it's own story

Of deadly wounds destroyed

You've made me wish more times than one

That I was un-employed

If only you could make it

Standing on your own

Please don't fret or worry

You are never left alone

I am here to watch over you

Until my powers fail

But always try to remember

I am getting old and frail"

I could barely believe what I've seen

Let alone how much he cared

I wept on his broad shoulders

And left him in dispair

When I looked in the mirror the next morning

I pondered "why shouldI try?"

Then distantly, I thought I heard

A frail old Angel cry

~Author Unknown~

Angel ~ by Enya
Angel ~ by Sarah McLachlan

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