Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Park a little closer!

So my other half was taking my dad to the doctor. 
He traded my truck for his. 
I asked him to park it in the same spot mine was in. He didn't. He put it in the parking spot next to it that is supposed to be the the company's box truck. Like he would know that, but he did. 
So I come out to leave and fine that the other company that rents a space from ours, and borrows our truck every so often parked the box truck two inches from my mirror and about 6-8 inches from the enter side of my truck. I got out, but it pist me off. 
So I grabbed my boss  in the morning and started to explains and he cut me off "you hit the truck" I said "NO! But any one else might not have been so lucky." And that's very true. 
Had that guy caused me to hit the company truck, you can bet that I would be pressing charges.suing... Something. Beside, what a fucking asshole. There were other places to park the Box Truck.

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