Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

When the boss calls... what are YOU doing?

So we have a sanitation guy at work. My boss is his boss, so of course we chat.
So he stops me and tells me our boss paged him.
"Yeah I heard" I replied.
"Well I was up taking a shit. So I called him on my cell phone." I could see where this was going and smirked, "He asked me what I was doing and I told him 'taking a shit'. Then he said come see me when your done." I started laughing as he continued..... "So as I was going up to his office I realized that his phone is always on speaker."
"Did you hear the HR lady laughing?" I said still laughing
"No, but when I got up there I asked him if  it was on speaker. He said 'yes'." he shook his head as he finished "I went to the next cubical and appologised to the HR lady."
"Was she laughing then?" I asked just about cackling at this point.
"Yes she was."

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