Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Work is a Bi-polar place

Work is a Bi-polar place.

The last three weeks I've been walking on eggshells, on the defense, and always getting back up for Quality issue.

 Lately, it's made me miserable and desperate for Ray to get a good job and let me quit mine.  Angry cause there's no money.  Cause my other half isn't working and I am struggling to make ends meet. 

Then I'm fighting with my other half and fighting at work. 
Last Sunday I didn't feel good and went to bed early. The next morning I was sick. Like before when they finally found my thyroid was low and put me on pills. But I'm on the pills and I, after one year, was down again like before. I called in for 2 days. On the second day I went to the doctor. He's thinking it might be allergies to ragweed. It's the same time of year as last year but I'm thinking since it stopped with the pills last time. I had an extremely low moment due to stress and allergies and dehydration. I can't seem to keep hydrated. I go back a week from tomorrow to see if my thyroid is low or it showed up as lower.

Then last night the president of the company acts like he wants to hear things then blows me off.

Then the idiot that was making my life miserable lately appologised... and I can't figure out why... He meant it. I just don't know why.

It would be interesting to know that the places I've been applying at have called there for references... That would teach em.

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