Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Setting Them Up to Fail

The maintenance manager. 

Nice guy. Maybe that was the problem. I don't know. 

About 3-4 weeks ago I told him it felt like they were setting him up to fail. He admitted it felt that way too.
Well, apparently, they were. They fired him last Thursday. I found out today.

The production manager wanted him gone. He was making comments about how he might just have to put on another hat. He was plotting to get rid of him. I heard him myself talking to a production lead saying as much. I don't know for sure, but I'd almost bet cause he thought his buddy, another maintenance man who's been there for years, should have had it.  What do you want to bet that he gets it next.... Or, like the production manager said "I might just have to put on another hat." He said the same thing about my bosses job too that day. 
Of course my boss said he's just as horrible about the President of the company and says he can do a better job than he is.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

When it's you time...

When it's your time to die,
It doesn't mean you can't go kicking and screaming the whole way!

Politics & Family

So my brother is annoyingly political..

So this morning he commented on Hurricane Issac and the fact that it was interfering with the GOP..  

Things are getting postponed basically.

He made a comment on this site posting the information that he wanted someone to make him a sign for it.

So I did him one better....

I made him a picture.....


Presidential Tornado 2012

Credits - That's the Red Cross tornado, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, The Wicked Witch of the West & and a flying monkey...

Why the Red Cross Tornado? Because after all this shit, we're all gonna need a little Red Cross Lovein'!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Park a little closer!

So my other half was taking my dad to the doctor. 
He traded my truck for his. 
I asked him to park it in the same spot mine was in. He didn't. He put it in the parking spot next to it that is supposed to be the the company's box truck. Like he would know that, but he did. 
So I come out to leave and fine that the other company that rents a space from ours, and borrows our truck every so often parked the box truck two inches from my mirror and about 6-8 inches from the enter side of my truck. I got out, but it pist me off. 
So I grabbed my boss  in the morning and started to explains and he cut me off "you hit the truck" I said "NO! But any one else might not have been so lucky." And that's very true. 
Had that guy caused me to hit the company truck, you can bet that I would be pressing charges.suing... Something. Beside, what a fucking asshole. There were other places to park the Box Truck.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nicotine Fit?

I went out to break yesterday and saw that once again someone parked in the smoking area...

A picture's worth a thousand words....

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Work is a Bi-polar place

Work is a Bi-polar place.

The last three weeks I've been walking on eggshells, on the defense, and always getting back up for Quality issue.

 Lately, it's made me miserable and desperate for Ray to get a good job and let me quit mine.  Angry cause there's no money.  Cause my other half isn't working and I am struggling to make ends meet. 

Then I'm fighting with my other half and fighting at work. 
Last Sunday I didn't feel good and went to bed early. The next morning I was sick. Like before when they finally found my thyroid was low and put me on pills. But I'm on the pills and I, after one year, was down again like before. I called in for 2 days. On the second day I went to the doctor. He's thinking it might be allergies to ragweed. It's the same time of year as last year but I'm thinking since it stopped with the pills last time. I had an extremely low moment due to stress and allergies and dehydration. I can't seem to keep hydrated. I go back a week from tomorrow to see if my thyroid is low or it showed up as lower.

Then last night the president of the company acts like he wants to hear things then blows me off.

Then the idiot that was making my life miserable lately appologised... and I can't figure out why... He meant it. I just don't know why.

It would be interesting to know that the places I've been applying at have called there for references... That would teach em.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rosemary Garlic Chicken & Potatoes - Gluten Free

Rosemary Garlic Chicken & Potatoes - Gluten Free

by Sonya Steiner on Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 6:30pm ·

Rosemary Garlic Chicken & Potatoes - Gluten Free
by Sonya J Steiner

2  large boneless skinless chicken breast cut into 1 inch pieces
2 large or 4 medium potatoes peeled into 3/4 inch pieces
1/2 to 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1 1/2 - to 2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
3 sprigs of fresh rosemary (remove stems)
1/2 to 1 teaspoon pepper
Olive oil

Heat Oven to 425 degrees.

Put chicken & potatoes into glass 9 X 11 baking dish. Pour just enough olive oil on to coat the chicken and potatoes (mix with fingers).
In a zip lock bag  (can use a bowl) mix together , rosemary, salt, garlic, pepper, Parmesan cheese and shake. Pour spice mixture over the chicken & potatoes. Mix again with fingers.

Bake 35 to 40 Minutes

Let rest 5 minutes.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

When the boss calls... what are YOU doing?

So we have a sanitation guy at work. My boss is his boss, so of course we chat.
So he stops me and tells me our boss paged him.
"Yeah I heard" I replied.
"Well I was up taking a shit. So I called him on my cell phone." I could see where this was going and smirked, "He asked me what I was doing and I told him 'taking a shit'. Then he said come see me when your done." I started laughing as he continued..... "So as I was going up to his office I realized that his phone is always on speaker."
"Did you hear the HR lady laughing?" I said still laughing
"No, but when I got up there I asked him if  it was on speaker. He said 'yes'." he shook his head as he finished "I went to the next cubical and appologised to the HR lady."
"Was she laughing then?" I asked just about cackling at this point.
"Yes she was."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Blame Game

The ominous Candy company....

I made notice that there was a weight missing off a package  when they ran something... I asked leads and asked my boss as he went by about it. He was busy. And he said 'OK' or 'it's ok" something like that and he was in a hurry. The president was on his ass about shipping and receiving and probably didn't realize what I had said. As it is with company.  I dropped it at the time, but they ran it again and I started making comments and questioning again. and I was going to go talk to my boss when I was done with getting a weight off a package. I didn't think it was right. It's not something I'm required to even check. But the Production manager who has seen me asking the lead and making a fuss, asked me what was my problem. I pointed out  the weight thing. He said the same thing I was saying. "Don't they have to have that?" I said "I thought so.  Remind me in a second to go ask ---." and that was as far as I got. I was walking to get a box to take to ken and he'd gone and ran in there and went to --- before I did. Then all hell broke loose! And the way it sounded, that fucker was trying to take credit for the find.

I got informed I was going to a meeting at ten. I swear the whole meeting was just so I could be told by the president of the company,  I should have pushed the issue harder. I stated "You can't kick me any harder than I'm already kicking myself!" A public scolding for the higher ups for not pushing an issue I wasn't even sure was one. Only that it seemed wrong. But like the company is fucking famous for, I was dismissed. But because the production manager is out to get rid of anyone that opposes him.. one way or another. And I seem to be a big thorn in his side.
Then, one woman brought up the mints we sent out last year. The ones I kept refusing to let out of the building and pass. I even tried going to the front office to stop it, and was plain told it was going to go. PERIOD! She said "i don't want to bring up that whole T----- J-- incident but.." she did. And after being so angry at myself and them I was already pist teary eye and on the defense. And I spoke up "Not to put the thorn in but I went to the front office about T------ J----'s  and was told it was going anyway!"
But in the end, of anyone dealing with any product in that building, right down to the production supervisor and his leads, I was the one who questioned. The only one. Even his assness production manager didn't see it. Yet I was put in there for a public flogging because I saw something and said something.

I'm getting told not to take it personal. How the fuck do you not take it personal?  Every time I point out a problem, I'm made to feel like I've done something wrong.

I've been after them for years on stuff like this. Saying we have no idea of what things should look like. Half the time we're guessing. The other half is because be actually seen it before. They have no written instructions. Sometimes there's  labels that should be on an order that is verbally instructed IF they remember to tell you. There's a couple of orders that have different requirements that have the same item number. And they wonder why these things happen? Really!?

I need a new job!