Snow Covered Church

Snow Covered Church
"Did Hell Freeze Over?"

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ornament Holiday Craft Gift

I was in the store looking for an ornament for a picture.
You know the ones, you slip your picture in a slot in the back. For the life of me, I couldn't find one.
And if you found one, well frankly the ornament sucked!
So I was wondering through the store and I saw these cute clear ornaments and I thought to myself "Now why can't they make picture ornaments out of cute little things like that...?"
Well, you could have smacked me with a Christmas Tree.
The top comes off and  could back on again....
I was going to make my own.

My self make Picture Ornament
So the tools you'll need...

1 pair of sciccors
1 spool of appropriate colored thread/fishing line
2 Wallet pictures or 1 wallet picture and something decorative for the back side (wrapping paper, fancy        written happy holidays etc etc)
1 (or more if making gifts) mostly clear ornament with removable and replaceable top
1 piece of paper to make a size template out of. )any paper will do)
1 pen/pencil
Hole  punch (or anything the cuts a little hole for the thread)

The first thing you want to do is make your template. I looped some thread around a pencil, held it at the center of the ornament and pulled the length out till the tip of the pencil hit the out most edge. The  I held it on a piece of paper, held it taunt as I drew a circle around my finger. Now I was smart. I rolled it up and dropped it in the ornament to make sure it fit. It was  a hair to big and I trimmed it down, but you see the point. Better to re-cut your template then to waist a photo.
Next you'll want to place your 2 photos back to back. I stick a little piece of rolled up tape in between them so they wont move when I cut them out with the template.

Next center you template over the and give a little clearance over the head so you can put a little hole in the top when your done. You can use a larger photo and make it the size of the entire circumference, but I found I like the look of the straight edge on the sides when it's in the ornament. But you make prefer the full circle.

Now I found these cute little ornaments at Walmart. Mostly clear with fake snow in the bottom. Really cute and the trees on the outside give it a little 3-D effect. It was 1.99$

You can get pictures made for a dollar at the 1 hour at walmart.  Or use those left over wallet size pictures from the school photos. Don't be stuck on exact instructions. It can be a photo you took yourself and really like. I take my own photos and have a little photography site
Tashee Photography .
Don't let that keep you from thinking that you can't take  a great photo. You have to be creative. If you look a little piece of the world and think how lovely that would be if they made it all over. Take your picture there and and close enough you can't see all the stuff around that you don't like.
Ok back to the subject...

Next make a hole for the thread/string.
At the top of the photo.

(You can also tape the string between the two photos if you don't want that hole, but it does have a habit of coming out while you're working with it)

Tie the string in a knot through the hole. Leave plenty of length.
You can make a smaller hole. (I just happened to miss with the hole punch I was using.) Use and exacto knife or a sharp steak knife. I used a hole punch cause it was easy.
 Note: I've also taped the string in between the photos and a little dab of Elmers glue if you don't want the hole.

Now in order to get the photo in the ornament, you need to roll it to the size of the hole. Don't fold it. You'll ruin the photo and never get it to flatten out in the ornament. (Yes my other half  said and you folded it to get it in there).

Put it in the ornament and push it in.

Right now you're wondering what the string is for. It's to keep the photo from twisting all around the ornament. I learned on the first one I made. They move!

This is what the top looks like. You have the wire that's bent to make it springy, so when it's put in it won't fall out. The wire is put through two holes. You too are going to use these two holes. You have two ends of string. You'll put one through each hole so you can tie the photo to the top after it's put back on. This will keep it from rolling around and turning upside down. Cut the end short, but not so short it could slip the knot
(You can also put the top back on and weave it through the metal leaves rather than poking it through the hole, but unless you use thin thread it will be visible)

The finished product.

So you can basically make inexpensive ornaments with photo in them (that personal touch).
I gave one to a woman yesterday and she just went nuts to have her daughters photo in an ornament like that.

I made one for our tree because my son begged me to do so after seeing the one I made for someone else.
I have just made one for my mother-in-law with my son and another one of her grandchildren in it. She should love it!

This is the ornament that now sits on my tree. With my hansome little boy to go on it year after year.
You could do a baby's first Christmas  on one with a paint pen and some good handwriting.

I think the whole thing with buying wallet photos cost from 3$-4$ and my time.
Forever Keepsakes are priceless to most of us with kids.

See this YEARS (2013) changes Click Here!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Odd things My Other Half and I Like

So I was making a Stoufers lasagna in the microwave. 
Long day at work, so a lazy dinner it was.
I was picking at the almost burnt and crispy cheese and was thinking that my other half would fight me to get some of it as I was picking at it.

NO: 1. The almost burnt cheese off the lasagna... or anything else for that matter.

2. Red Bull and Coconut Rum.

3. Coffee made on a campfire.. maybe not so odd, but really good.

4. Corn-dogs with mustard & Ketchup. ODD Part? Would be that you can't mix the ketchup and mustard together. they have to be separate, but next to each other on the corn dog.

5. Cranberry juice and Disaronno

6. Cranberry & orange juice mixed.

7. The crispy skin directly off the hot Chicken/Turkey.. Yes we even fight over it... LOL!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Gift

Christmas is hard enough,

        With out watching your poor kid watch all the other kids getting their picture taken with Santa and then realizing that they won't get one too.
 I was thinking that very same thing this morning as I drove my son to daycare. I wondered if there was a way to ask if someone needed help with getting their kids photo taken with Santa. Then it felt weird somehow asking about other peoples needs. So I though bag it right?  
Then as I was leaving, I saw the same woman I had seen the day before. She looked haggard and worn out. Looked like she was struggling like everyone else. She then noticed the Santa pictures were today. Was asking how much and when they had to have the money. Then she mentioned maybe trying to borrow the money and making it down on her break....
 And in a flash, all I could think of was the times my son had asked why he couldn't have his picture with Santa or said he wanted his picture with Santa after seeing his cousins.. How it just broke my heart to tell him we couldn't or I didn't have the money.
 So here I was, now in a the position to do exactly what I was thinking I wanted to for some child. What I wish someone could have or would have done for me the last few years...
 I went out o my car, watched the woman leave, grabbed 20$ from my wallet and went back in.
The guy who was in there when the woman was looked at me. 
I said "The woman who was in here?"
He said it was somebody's grandmother...
  I held up the cash in my hand" Get her what she wanted." And handed him the cash.
He looked so stunned said "Thanks" and I left saying "Don't tell her who it was." and left it at that.
I feel real good knowing I got to give my anonymous gift with out having to pry into peoples lives through the staff. 
And she looks a lot like I've felt over the past few years. Really wishing you could do it for them and knowing you can't. If she had the money, like me, she would have had it in. You know she would have. She looked so disappointing not having it. That look of almost hoping that they'd have a free one available... knowing it wasn't going to happen... All those times I wish I could have, and couldn't with my son... 
Hopefully, it brightens her day.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanks Giving! 2012

Here's some of what's on the menu!

My Turkey Pre-Oven (Yes I Like it Spices!)

Pumpkin Pies!

Pumpkin Bread still Cooking!

DONE Pumpkin Bread

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dog Poop!

I spent my afternoon removing our family pets land mines from our lawn.

I got to thinking, as I almost stepped on one while scooping one up, that maybe this is how someone came up with military land mines. No real rhyme or reason to how they're laid down. Just some guy who followed his dog around and put X's down in what ever pattern they were left.

Then I thought perhaps this was the start of all good soldiers military training. Avoid the bio hazard land mines your family pet left for you. Think about it. You're clearing the lawn and  POW! You step in one you swear wasn't there when you looked a minute ago. You learn to pay more attention to where you're planting you feet.

Then I had another thought. Maybe all these dogs have had their strategic military dog training from other dogs. In the beginning she only crapped in one place, but now they're laid out  as to where you can't miss stepping on one. I think she watches you and when you manage to miss stepping on them she plants the next one in your safety path you found. Have you ever seem their face when you clean it all up. Isn't the first thing they do is go take a large crap on the newly cleaned lawn? Isn't it?

Then I noticed by the time I was done I had taken 9 heavily laden shovelfuls to the garbage can. This 6 1/2-7 month old puppy couldn't have possibly have left that amount of crap in a yard on the dog food we feed her.
It could have been the size of a small child. perhaps this is why she is SOOO friendly to the neighborhood people. Perhaps she's luring them in with the sweet puppy playfulness and then when a small one gets close enough, she gobbles the little buggers up! That would definitely explain the large amount of piles in the yard! Yes she is a larger dog, but not that large!

Maybe other dog are paying her to dispose of their crap in our yard/ It would be just like the nuclear waist dump site wouldn't? Pay them to take it off their hands.... "hey new girl! I'll give you a bone if you let me leave my pile of crap in your yard..."

Then, while you're cleaning up these piles, do ever wonder "What in the hell were you eating?"? Seriously. I swear I saw the Bologna rings in the poop I was cleaning up today. Bits of plastic...etc. What? Is she part goat?

Well, these were the pondering s of my mind this afternoon while cleaning up Dog Poop. I hope you enjoyed them...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Pumpkin Pie!

Yes it's that time of year again...!

So I'm going to share with you my favorite pumpkin pie recipe. The book is from back in 1968. Put out by Betty Crocker. I've tried many recipes, but keep coming back to this one.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Good Night Chocolate!

So I went to work in this perfectly good mood.
Maybe that was  the problem. Easily spoiled with nasty people I guess. And all was well till the production manager came in.
 He was late and I think they were happy that he wasn't there. When he showed up I guess he gave his leads an earful and from that moment on they all became mean and nasty and apparently were going take it out on me. Because I did my job.
And I may note. I shouldn't have to tell higher paid leads to clear the electrical panels of bags of garbage piled as high as I stand.... three times in one day. Then I hear "Can't you tell another lead?!!" in such a nasty tone you'd think I kicked them when I said. I called one's name across the room and pointed and that was the nasty reply. I blew the first one off. 2 1/2 hours later the exact same thing piled up in front of the electrical panel. I tell another lead. "Can't you tell another lead?!! It's not me! I didn't do it!" just as nasty as the last one. "what am I supposed to do with it?!" I got nasty back and said "I don't care piled  it up on a pallet and wrap it up."  I wasn't aware I was supposed to give them instructions on how to do their jobs either. Last I was told was not to do their job for them and just tell them. I had no problem with that.  Then what 2 hours later I'm going through the area and low and behold again in front of the electrical panel... and I grab the first lead and she say "Go tell A****!" Then she yells for her and starts telling her I was to yell at her. She just walked away. I don't blame her, but this point I was pist. But I walked away from it. Talked to the lead who walked away later about it. She told me that E******* got that way after the production manager  came in and she sets the mood for the rest of them after that. So basically She got her ass chewed and took it out on everyone else. And then they all took it out on me including her. So I'm pist and can't shake it. To the point where I cry. And they pisses me off and make me cry more because I can't control my temper.  So they get all taken in there. And I'm still mad to the point that I raise my voice. Then the lead instigator (E*******) said I yelled at her. I didn't I called across the room and pointed to the electrical panel.  She said the same thing but said I had the attitude. I said I didn't get that way until they did.  Then then as they got all nasty about me telling them about the electrical panel he said what what I was thinking. That I should not have to have told them about it. They should have dealt with it in the first place. Same thing I've said that Randy said earlier. I kinda wonder if he heard that conversation. I didn't really check. I'm still so pist I just want to rip their heads off. I am paid less than all of them  and I have to baby sit the leads. The least paid person had to tell them something that stupid and they act like a bunch a spoiled teenagers.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Father, Job, Home, & Money

Life in general is far to complicated to even give you a remote taste of it in a blog.

My father.
My father went into the hospital last Friday.  Of his own accord this time. When he left my house two months ago after a year here he could walk and lift a case of non alcoholic wine by himself off my front porch.
He's home for two months and he had gotten to the point where he fell on his way to the bathroom again and couldn't get up. Caused new wounds on his feet legs etc.. and apparently on his back side from the lack of movement. He has massive edema from not taking care of himself, but not taking his meds. The only reason he called the nurse to go was the his family jewels became highly effected by the edema. And the only thing he cares if it's taken care of is the fact that his balls hurt. The doc asked if I could take him in and take care of him. I said I have to work and he's now needs 24 hour a day care again.... He'll be going into a a place while he heals well enough to go home again. All that hard work, fighting with my other half because he can't handle it, and now we're back to this again cause he wants to spend all his money on new toys....

My job.
It's my under standing that the night Q.A. is about to be fired tomorrow (monday) when she comes in.. We'll be hiring a new one I get to train again... happily they've postponed the SQF audit, or I'd really be having a hard time getting one trained.... I'm now so far behind on the night and day paperwork it's truly irritating...

And I swear the president of the company looked like he was trying to catch me doing something wrong Friday at the end of the shift... I wasn't. I was trying to get the lab samples out. So I don't know what he thought I was doing?

My home.
My other half has been helping his nephew remodel his new Tattoo & skateboard shop he's going to try and make work in this economy.  He's never home.. it's feels like he stays there on purpose so he doesn't have to be home with us.... I think he's liking getting out of the house, but a job would do that too...
I miss my son and I'm tired. Tired that I can't always  give him the attention that he wants/needs.. Life sucks that way.

We just bare seen to stay afloat.. but we won't for long if my other half doesn't get at least a part time job.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Elderly Parental Obligations

   My father hasn't been able to stand since he fell Saturday (9-1-2012). My little brother had left me this following message..
My Brother:

'Okay, dad had a fall by the bathroom and I had to help him back into his chair. His right big toe has an injury on it, and his right leg was colder than the room and swollen. '


'How's he going to the bathroom . Why didn't you tell me he can't get into the bathroom now?'

 My Brother:

I thought that was just yesterday he wasn't able, and that he could once he rested up. I didn't know he couldn't today until he said something to you over the phone.

I can't make him go to a doctor against his will either. I know what you're thinking. I tricked him the last time to get him to go. But at least he could get back into his chair with some effort on my little brothers. 

But the most irritating thing to know is that since he went back to his own home he's gain about 70lbs..... He lost weight while staying at mine.....

4-5- stores and nearly 3-4 hours later I find the VERY LAST beside potty (I swear in the state of Utah cause it a holiday weekend) and finally got it to his house and my brother & i set it up for him. He stubbed his toe during his fall and now my brother needs to keep an eye on his diabetic feet.
But now my brother can't even get him on the toilet next to him because all of a sudden pop can't even stand to pivot to the toilet. 

Today I get a call that he was trying to get him on the pot and he ended up on the floor and he can't get him off the floor. I said "I can't pick him up. Call an ambulance." Which he was glad to hear it cause he wanted to call one. My dad isn't exactly light. He well over 300lbs. And last time he got on a scale it was 322lbs. Four firemen got him into his chair. Told me about a rash I had no idea he had (I refuse to look at my own father naked) on his crotch. and said he needed some DESITIN®. Which I took my little brother up to get some. I drove him back and went back to my own home. I don't know what to do anymore. Pop was refusing help for seniors when I had him. Now my brother has no choice but to call and get help from them whether or not pop likes it.
I am so tired of being a caregiver and having my brother help seems to add more stress cause he calls me for every little thing.  I almost dread answering the phone or getting on FB. When I took care of my grandparents, no one helped me with all this stuff. Not my dad. Happily the doctors set up care for them and my grandfather did. But they weren't refusing all the time.
No wonder between work and my parents causing me stress that I can't keep my thyroid in check.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Is Brother There?"

          So my other half gets a phone call on his phone in the middle of the night. It was late and his sister so I answered it.

"Is brother there?" she asked slurring so heavily I almost didn't understand her.
"Yeah but they're all sleeping." I stated
"Who's this?" She asked still slurring heavily.
I said my name.
"What's brother doing there?' She asked baffled.
"He lives here." I stated. thinking it's going to be one of "THOSE" conversation with a drunk.
"Ra--'s always lived here." I said.
"I'm calling for brother." She slurred almost unintelligibly.
Then it clicked. She calls her eldest son "brother".
"He's not here." I said
"OH! I must have dialed the wrong number...." She said
"Yeah. This is Ray's phone." I said trying not to laugh.
"OK. I LOVE YOU!" She said letting me know she's totally bombed. She never tells me she loves me.
"I love you too.." I said "BYE." and I hung up.

The next morning  I was due to help her with her online unemployment & job search. No she can't do it alone... I text her 'I'm up when you're up' pretty sure it would be a while after the late night phone call.
She text back "Sorry. Text me when you're up." Amused at this I text back 'LOL I text you a half hour ago that I was up. Are you?'. She text back 'Yes lol sorry I will be there i need a cup of coffee to sober up ad I will be there thanks'.......

And the saga continues......

Monday, August 27, 2012

Setting Them Up to Fail

The maintenance manager. 

Nice guy. Maybe that was the problem. I don't know. 

About 3-4 weeks ago I told him it felt like they were setting him up to fail. He admitted it felt that way too.
Well, apparently, they were. They fired him last Thursday. I found out today.

The production manager wanted him gone. He was making comments about how he might just have to put on another hat. He was plotting to get rid of him. I heard him myself talking to a production lead saying as much. I don't know for sure, but I'd almost bet cause he thought his buddy, another maintenance man who's been there for years, should have had it.  What do you want to bet that he gets it next.... Or, like the production manager said "I might just have to put on another hat." He said the same thing about my bosses job too that day. 
Of course my boss said he's just as horrible about the President of the company and says he can do a better job than he is.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

When it's you time...

When it's your time to die,
It doesn't mean you can't go kicking and screaming the whole way!

Politics & Family

So my brother is annoyingly political..

So this morning he commented on Hurricane Issac and the fact that it was interfering with the GOP..  

Things are getting postponed basically.

He made a comment on this site posting the information that he wanted someone to make him a sign for it.

So I did him one better....

I made him a picture.....


Presidential Tornado 2012

Credits - That's the Red Cross tornado, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, The Wicked Witch of the West & and a flying monkey...

Why the Red Cross Tornado? Because after all this shit, we're all gonna need a little Red Cross Lovein'!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Park a little closer!

So my other half was taking my dad to the doctor. 
He traded my truck for his. 
I asked him to park it in the same spot mine was in. He didn't. He put it in the parking spot next to it that is supposed to be the the company's box truck. Like he would know that, but he did. 
So I come out to leave and fine that the other company that rents a space from ours, and borrows our truck every so often parked the box truck two inches from my mirror and about 6-8 inches from the enter side of my truck. I got out, but it pist me off. 
So I grabbed my boss  in the morning and started to explains and he cut me off "you hit the truck" I said "NO! But any one else might not have been so lucky." And that's very true. 
Had that guy caused me to hit the company truck, you can bet that I would be pressing charges.suing... Something. Beside, what a fucking asshole. There were other places to park the Box Truck.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nicotine Fit?

I went out to break yesterday and saw that once again someone parked in the smoking area...

A picture's worth a thousand words....

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Work is a Bi-polar place

Work is a Bi-polar place.

The last three weeks I've been walking on eggshells, on the defense, and always getting back up for Quality issue.

 Lately, it's made me miserable and desperate for Ray to get a good job and let me quit mine.  Angry cause there's no money.  Cause my other half isn't working and I am struggling to make ends meet. 

Then I'm fighting with my other half and fighting at work. 
Last Sunday I didn't feel good and went to bed early. The next morning I was sick. Like before when they finally found my thyroid was low and put me on pills. But I'm on the pills and I, after one year, was down again like before. I called in for 2 days. On the second day I went to the doctor. He's thinking it might be allergies to ragweed. It's the same time of year as last year but I'm thinking since it stopped with the pills last time. I had an extremely low moment due to stress and allergies and dehydration. I can't seem to keep hydrated. I go back a week from tomorrow to see if my thyroid is low or it showed up as lower.

Then last night the president of the company acts like he wants to hear things then blows me off.

Then the idiot that was making my life miserable lately appologised... and I can't figure out why... He meant it. I just don't know why.

It would be interesting to know that the places I've been applying at have called there for references... That would teach em.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rosemary Garlic Chicken & Potatoes - Gluten Free

Rosemary Garlic Chicken & Potatoes - Gluten Free

by Sonya Steiner on Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 6:30pm ·

Rosemary Garlic Chicken & Potatoes - Gluten Free
by Sonya J Steiner

2  large boneless skinless chicken breast cut into 1 inch pieces
2 large or 4 medium potatoes peeled into 3/4 inch pieces
1/2 to 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1 1/2 - to 2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
3 sprigs of fresh rosemary (remove stems)
1/2 to 1 teaspoon pepper
Olive oil

Heat Oven to 425 degrees.

Put chicken & potatoes into glass 9 X 11 baking dish. Pour just enough olive oil on to coat the chicken and potatoes (mix with fingers).
In a zip lock bag  (can use a bowl) mix together , rosemary, salt, garlic, pepper, Parmesan cheese and shake. Pour spice mixture over the chicken & potatoes. Mix again with fingers.

Bake 35 to 40 Minutes

Let rest 5 minutes.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

When the boss calls... what are YOU doing?

So we have a sanitation guy at work. My boss is his boss, so of course we chat.
So he stops me and tells me our boss paged him.
"Yeah I heard" I replied.
"Well I was up taking a shit. So I called him on my cell phone." I could see where this was going and smirked, "He asked me what I was doing and I told him 'taking a shit'. Then he said come see me when your done." I started laughing as he continued..... "So as I was going up to his office I realized that his phone is always on speaker."
"Did you hear the HR lady laughing?" I said still laughing
"No, but when I got up there I asked him if  it was on speaker. He said 'yes'." he shook his head as he finished "I went to the next cubical and appologised to the HR lady."
"Was she laughing then?" I asked just about cackling at this point.
"Yes she was."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Blame Game

The ominous Candy company....

I made notice that there was a weight missing off a package  when they ran something... I asked leads and asked my boss as he went by about it. He was busy. And he said 'OK' or 'it's ok" something like that and he was in a hurry. The president was on his ass about shipping and receiving and probably didn't realize what I had said. As it is with company.  I dropped it at the time, but they ran it again and I started making comments and questioning again. and I was going to go talk to my boss when I was done with getting a weight off a package. I didn't think it was right. It's not something I'm required to even check. But the Production manager who has seen me asking the lead and making a fuss, asked me what was my problem. I pointed out  the weight thing. He said the same thing I was saying. "Don't they have to have that?" I said "I thought so.  Remind me in a second to go ask ---." and that was as far as I got. I was walking to get a box to take to ken and he'd gone and ran in there and went to --- before I did. Then all hell broke loose! And the way it sounded, that fucker was trying to take credit for the find.

I got informed I was going to a meeting at ten. I swear the whole meeting was just so I could be told by the president of the company,  I should have pushed the issue harder. I stated "You can't kick me any harder than I'm already kicking myself!" A public scolding for the higher ups for not pushing an issue I wasn't even sure was one. Only that it seemed wrong. But like the company is fucking famous for, I was dismissed. But because the production manager is out to get rid of anyone that opposes him.. one way or another. And I seem to be a big thorn in his side.
Then, one woman brought up the mints we sent out last year. The ones I kept refusing to let out of the building and pass. I even tried going to the front office to stop it, and was plain told it was going to go. PERIOD! She said "i don't want to bring up that whole T----- J-- incident but.." she did. And after being so angry at myself and them I was already pist teary eye and on the defense. And I spoke up "Not to put the thorn in but I went to the front office about T------ J----'s  and was told it was going anyway!"
But in the end, of anyone dealing with any product in that building, right down to the production supervisor and his leads, I was the one who questioned. The only one. Even his assness production manager didn't see it. Yet I was put in there for a public flogging because I saw something and said something.

I'm getting told not to take it personal. How the fuck do you not take it personal?  Every time I point out a problem, I'm made to feel like I've done something wrong.

I've been after them for years on stuff like this. Saying we have no idea of what things should look like. Half the time we're guessing. The other half is because be actually seen it before. They have no written instructions. Sometimes there's  labels that should be on an order that is verbally instructed IF they remember to tell you. There's a couple of orders that have different requirements that have the same item number. And they wonder why these things happen? Really!?

I need a new job!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What 'THEY' said and didn't say...!

Got to share my day.. Bear with me...
First thing this morning one of the temps hurt his back. There goes 30 minutes of my time or more......

They ran nothing but W.I.P. that had to be pulled for COA's (certificate of analysis). And I mean ALL DAY>

Then my boss wanted his project done he asked for before he went on vacation a week ago.

Then one of the friggen temps was outside in his hairnet and apron. A HUGE no no!. And my boss happened to see him and told me to wait and get his ass. So of course I did. Who says "well they didn't tell me that!" He said when I caught him. I flat out told him it's covered in the GMP's you get before coming here. I had to reiterate that statement 5 times with him before he shut up!

Then someone (they loved to snitch on one another..especially if they were caught for it themselves at one point) came and told me one of the temps had fake nails one. I had to go up to the employee entrance so I could catch her and sure enough.... fake nails with polish, glitter and jewels! She then said that someone told her it was OK. (how many times have I heard this before? Really? Can't they come up with something better than that?) I asked who? Someone at the temp agency was the reply. I said Bull. Because you GMP's cover this. Then it was a "I'm waiting till payday so I can get them off." So I flat out told her "You have to take them off right now, or you can't work." She said the same thing again. I said "Take em off now, or go home." She argued she can't take them off with ripping her nails off. Now I'm not friggen stupid. I know you can go home and soak them in fingernail polish (Which takes a bit of time) or acetone. They will come off, but arguing with me that she had to pay to have them off? Really!? So she was sent home. I'm not dealing with it.

Then I walk over to let her lead know to tell the girls mother she said she'd pick her up after work. So I go over and I glance up.. and what do I see?
A friggen temp with 2 clear insert in her eyebrow & 1 in her labret (mouth). So I send her to take them out. She comes back down and they start cracking jokes about piercing. I'm down for that. But ten I look over at her laughing and she has a friggen tongue piercing still in that I didn't see the first time. I told her to go take it out as well. She came back with "They said I could have them as long as they're plastic." I looked at her and said "No. That's even worse." "But they said I could". I asked who they were? She said the lady at temp ------- that signed her up. I asked her name. "I don't know her name." (Do they ever? NO!)

Honestly?! It's covered more than once with them during their training.....

I got nothing done. between the extra's my boss wanted and all the crap and the areas problems....


  I wanna throw a tantrum and argue that 'THEY' said I could.. I'm gonna hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get my way.. (LMAO I'm waiting for that one in case you're wondering)
You know I walked in the door and Told my other half it's his turn. He can work and I'll stay home and take care of the kid. I've had enough the past two weeks.
When he asked "Why? What happened?"
I replied... "I went to work today"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yet another asinine Candy Company Moment..

  • Yet another asinine Candy Company  Moment..
    At 2 years you're supposed to get 80 hours vacation. Last year when they had the fiscal year end, they prorated my vacation time minus a month. Since i was a month short of a year... Make sense so far?
    So according to the Employee manual I got. You got hours earned given to you at the May 1st fiscal year of the 2 year ....

    This is the whole vacation statement....

    Colleague’s vacation days are earned by the number of years of service as follows:

    Continuous Years of Service Number of Vacation Hours

    After 1 year 40 Hours

    After 2 years 80 Hours

    After 10 years 120 Hours

    Vacation is earned and available to eligible colleagues on May 1st

    For colleagues with fewer than 15 years of service, vacation time not used the year it is earned is forfeited. Vacation time may only be used after the May 1st anniversary date. Colleagues are encouraged to take vacation time during our slower production periods from January to July. Please schedule your vacation as far in advance as possible. The colleague’s supervisor must approve vacation dates. Colleagues with 15 years or more of service may carry over vacation time for use in the next fiscal year (May 1 – April 30) up to 40 hours maximum. Vacation pay is not considered hours worked for overtime purposes. We encourage colleagues to take earned vacation days so that they will return to work refreshed and rested.


    Now if they prorated the first year on this,, Wouldn't you assume they'd at least prorate the second year and then on the third give you the full 80?
    They're saying that you won't get the 80 hours till my third year (basically since their cut off is May 1st and I was hired on June 2nd) And I won't get the 37.5 hours that they cheated me out of this year either.

    and "YUP!" In case you're wondering... I lost my fucking temper.

    My boss had this horrified look, cause we all know why I do when I'm mad at work right? I go job hunting. I'm going to have to update my resume and go job hunting.
    So he had poor Linda in HR try and calm me down and explain it to me. I flat out told them I got it already and that it was bullshit and basically stealing.
    If I took 37.5 hours from them I'd be charged and arrested. And yes, I'm writing an appeal to this shit and calling the labor commission. to see how they they can get away with it.

    And a very bad way to deal with it... I bought a bottle and having a drink. I'm actually a LOT calmer now. ....

    I want to know what kind of asshole would say :Oh you got hired before may 1st so you get your vacation. And ha ha ha you were hired after may 1st you have to wait an ENTIRE year you get what everyone else is getting". I'd like to kick him in the balls.
    I hate this fucking job! From day one. If I didn't need to pay my bills....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mild Hearted Gentleman

Mild hearted gentleman
Wanted for a spell
Must be very kind
But must fight as well
His thoughts are very important
He'll be loved very well
From this lonely woman
Who wants to be held
He'll be treated as an equal
He'll be left to do his own
As long as he'll come back to me
As long as we're alone
Our time will be held as precious
Our love a beauteous place
So come to this woman
Finally find your place

~Author... ME ... Sonya
Haven't thought of this poem in years.. then that stupid emailed. Now they make you review other peoples poem to publish yours... I thought "why bother with them?"


The Wine Glass

Glance inside the wine glass
See it's sweet contents
Pour it down your lips
Taste it's life at last
Feel it's warmth around you
Then at last inside
Quickly it takes over
Then shows your stranger side
Too much has often harmed you
Too Little,You Cry inside
Enough makes you loose
All that you would hide
Then when it's all over
The morning you arise
You find that you are ill
And you wish to die
Then when you feel better
All your Ills subside
You think you've learned your lesson
Till the next time

~Author... ME ... Sonya
Haven't thought of this poem in years.. then that stupid emailed. Now they make you review other peoples poem to publish yours... I thought "why bother with them?"


Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Broken Pieces of My Heart

My heart is broken like glass shattered and falling to the floor.
I hear them crack and burst as you step across them as if they weren't there.
My empty shell crumpling without my joy, hope..., and happiness.
My insides twist and burn from it's loss... the loss of you... the loss of trust.
My anger is bitter and painful.
My tears a torrent flood.
You look past it as if it's not there.
It happened. And it matters.
It's ingrained in my memories as if burned by a hot iron.
Bringing flames to my emotions...
Hatred and thoughts of banishment towards you.
Hatred for myself for still loving you...
Love for the the one thing I have of yours
The best part of you... Our Boy....

~Winter Why's~

The Broken Pieces of My Heart..

You can't help but doubt that they are with you for you if you got pregnant. There's always been a piece of me that believes if I hadn't gotten pregnant that we wouldn't be together.

And maybe that's true. I can't believe that I love him so much. How can you fall so hard and so fast?  I knew before we dated I was gone. Even his kisses tasted good. How is that so?

Now I hate him and still Love him.

It seems drinking is more important than me and his own son. Anything for the drink and nothing left for us.

He just told me to take my truck and go.

As much as I just wanted to tell him he's was out of my life I couldn't, but he could say it to me me. How can I believe that he loves me?

Now he's acting like that night never happened, but it did.

If we break up, my son goes with me. He's my son! Not a man who thinks drinkings more important than us.

Why can't things be good for a change? I don't deserve this. I helped so many people till I broke because no one was there for me.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

The House

I remember when the house was so full, but seemed so empty....

Saturday, April 21, 2012

God's Garden

This is the face of cancer........ 

Teresa Sorensen

Born May 29, 1961 - Died April 19 2012

You always said that you intended to hold out long enough for your youngest to graduate and you did. You made it well over a year after that. Hearing you were going to die since your babies were young, that's quite a will you had. We were better for knowing you...
Our prayers & heart be with your family. 
Were it not for other we would have been better friends than we were, but you will be missed just the same.... 
I'm glad in the end we both came to realize the games they seem to play. Quietly & unspoken we knew.
God's Garden

God looked around His garden
And He found an empty place
He then looked down upon the earth
And saw your precious face

He put His arms around you
And lifted you to rest;
God' s Garden must be beautiful
He always takes the best.

He knew that you were suffering
He knew you were in pain
He knew you' d never ever
Get well on earth again.

So He closed your weary eyelids
And whispered " Peace be thine "
Then He took you up to Heaven
With Hands so gentle and kind.

It broke our hearts to lose you
But you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you
The day God welcomed you home.

Author Unknown

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Frail Old Angel..

One night I had a dream

It left a tale to tell

I dreamed I saw an Angel

Poor thing, he wasn't well

His body was bruised and battered

His wings ripped and torn

I saw that he could barely walk

He looked so tired and worn

I walked right up and asked him

"How could this be?"

He turned and paused a bit

These words he spoke to me....

"I am your Gaurdian Angel

A great task as you can see

You've run amok all your life

Look what you've done to me

These bruises are from shielding you

In times of dire ill

The drugs you've used so dangerously

I've paid for you that bill

My wings you see are ripped and torn

A noble badge I bare

So many times they've flown for you

From evils un-aware

Each mark has it's own story

Of deadly wounds destroyed

You've made me wish more times than one

That I was un-employed

If only you could make it

Standing on your own

Please don't fret or worry

You are never left alone

I am here to watch over you

Until my powers fail

But always try to remember

I am getting old and frail"

I could barely believe what I've seen

Let alone how much he cared

I wept on his broad shoulders

And left him in dispair

When I looked in the mirror the next morning

I pondered "why shouldI try?"

Then distantly, I thought I heard

A frail old Angel cry

~Author Unknown~

Work Ethics and Politics...

You know what I love? When they tell you to do monthly report on an area so they can read it and know what's going on, then when you mention something in a meeting (they made you go to!) that was in this report, they say "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" Like you weren't required to email the information to 8 people so they can personally see it. And you're only reply you dare say is it's in your GMP's. Not the real answer of when you go tell them personally that they tell you it's not their problem and don't care.!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Rain 4-12-2012

What Can I say? 'Weather In All It's Glory'!

This is the view of my backyard during the lightest portion of the storm... It was freaking Freezing!

"It's Raining... It's Pouring... The Old Man Is Snoring.."

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring in Utah - I Think Mother Nature's By-Polar...

Spring in Utah can be very unpredictable. Not more than 24 hours earlier it was sunny and 70 degrees....

All of these photo's were taken in;
'Memory Grove - Salt Lake City Utah'

This is the Utah State Capital.
For nearly a century,
the Utah State Capitol has served the people of the state as the seat of all three branches of government and numerous state agencies.
The Capitol was designed by Utah architect Richard K.A. Kletting in 1912 and completed in 1916.

This is the Gates to Memory Grove...


This is the path up into the mountains just barely dusted with snow. Accessed in Memory Grove.

This is in the neighborhood on the border of memory grove.

One of the many pink flower covered trees that became layered in snow.


It's hard to believe that this kind of diversity was in one area.

Tashee Photography~


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Can you say "SCREWED!"?

OK, so let's update shall we.
Chris has moved out of my parents house, but his existence is still causing them hell.
All those broken down truck, windows, garbage,metal scrapes etc etc now has an imposing fine of 18,000$ on it.
You know what that means?
In order to collect they try and put lean/take your house.
So I called and now get to deal with it.
We struck a good conversation with the guy.
But now, once again, I'm having to go over there and clean up all the shit.
And they specifically mentioned his broken down trucks, windows and the that stuff the worthless asshole has been piling up in the yard for years.....
So now My fiance, my little brother and I are now going to have to spend our free time cleaning up his shit again,
or they take my parents house basically for the impending fines....
And while I love my parents and John, I really don't have room for everyone in my house. It's small.
Not to mention my mother has really special needs of needing space due to her mental disability...
Sometimes it sucks being the good daughter....
Can you say.... "SCREWED!"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

When it rains it pours.. Literally & Figuratively

It's had great storm clouds outside and My 70 plus parents aren't doing their best for the last little while.
The city of Taylorsville is on their ass again for stuff my elder brother had done to their yard. Basically filling it up with junk.
He's now supposedly going to move to Washington now and will grab what of his junk he wants and then will, more than likely,leave all the junk for us to deal with.
I.E. broken down vehicles, broken windows from one of his old jobs, broken tools garbage so on and so forth. He's give the dump a run for their money.
My mother has now apparently turned diabetic on top of her schizophrenia and sleep apnea. She will be spending 3-4 weeks in the VA and nursing home for a while they get  her to take her medication again.
My Dad's still at my house while we finish getting his foot healing. (Almost there!) It seems that last little bit is the hardest and longest. Then he will return to his home.
Honestly think we should go hock what we can to get money to clean up the place and cover our gas and dump runs we'll have to make.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Making an example...

So where I work is making changes. Some for the better. Others I have no idea about yet. The one person I never thought that would be let go, was. No one cared about repercussions because they were her friend or relation of hers. Then Tuesday m boss closes the door to the office and says "You're gonna hear ti soon enough. R**a's been let go." I about shit! I never thought that they would. She was all buddy buddy with with the new production manager. Who I might add doesn't care much for me as far as I know. 
But then I was informed that Wednesday I was wanted in the 10 AM meeting... At first I thought nothing of it, then I thought maybe I was next.. Nope. Nothing happened at the meeting.
  I don't know what to think. I don't trust anyone there. That whole place seems sleazy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sponge Bob Cake March 17th 2012

Spongbob cake..
Every young boys dream I swear.
And I am that mom. He wanted one. I learned to make fondant, gum paste... and here's what we got!


It wasn't as hard as it looks. Time consuming though,
You have to make the fondant a minimum of 8 hours in advance, so I make it the night before. Cakes need to cook and it's better if they go in the fridge for a couple of hour. Easier to deal with.
And when Painting with food coloring gel have a bottle of vodka on hand instead of  water. I only had water and vodka will evaporate and take less time in drying.
I don't have mold and imprint mats so I get to do it by scratch.
What do you think?

And good lord.. now family is making request.... if I thought I could make money at this.....

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What I learned today...

What I learned today at work...
I learned that in order to remove asbestos form the temple you had to be temple certified... Yup! You have to wear Jesus jammies and be a temple recommended Mormon.

The Boss


Do you know what I learned today. That if you sleepwalk, curse obscenities while you do, you'd better be able to lock yourself in your apartment, My my boss was sleep walking sunday night and cursing in his sleep, got out of his apartment and fell down some stairs. Which is why he wasn't at work on monday. One lady at work informed us that it's not return of the Lorax, it's the return of the Sore ass... One lead walked up and patted his ass cause another swore he had padding in in pants for his ass.... Guess what? It was all ass! So now they're cat calling him and telling him to shake his phat ass as he goes by. More as the harassment continues...
So my boss come in again today and I am sympathetic towards his broken derriere issue. .. So I asked him "Did you try some liniment?" He shot back at me "NO! I don't have anyone to rub my ASS! And I'm not rubbing my own ASS!" I wanted to laugh so hard I almost cried...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2011 Recap

Mom went in the nut V.A. hospital  two times.
I had pneumonia twice.
Pop went int the hospital for 2 months.
I was tested for cancer 5 times.
Pop had been in my house since he got out of the hospital 5 months ago.
I was diagnosed with hypo-hypothyroidism.
I had to tell my drunken alcoholic brother that my dad wanted him out of his house.
I got to clean my parents house.
My sister who said she was going to help me with our parents moved to Tennessee.
   (And I got to clean out her houses garage.. a full ass garage... too)
I was constantly sick all year till they figured out my thyroid was bad and on the verge of losing my job.
One of my cousins died of cancer
My uncle went in the hospital a week after my dad.

And those are just the highlights.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ballerina Princess Cake for my Niece!

SO here is my very first attempt at making a fondant cake. A few flaws... A little shy in the cake around her waist because my son decided he was going to eat a layer of cake when I wasn't looking last night.
It wasn't funny then... but it is now.



Not horrible. Not as great as I would like... But it is my very first try.

I used a super moist cake. Now anyone who has ever tried to frost one of these bad boys know it's hard enough without cutting into it to  shape it. So here's my hint to you...
Decrease the water by an 8th of a cup and add a 1/4 cup of flour to the cake mix.... Yeah it was just an off the shelf cake mix. but after those changes.... Works great. Still moist and fluffy but I can frost it after I have had to shape the cake by cutting it. On the very top layer of the cake I cooked  it in a bowl about the right size. Had to cut off less of the cake to shape. and it's about perfect for the top of the skirt. I bought girl party favor rings for the jewels around the bottom of the dress. I was originally going to do it with necklaces, but couldn't find any at the time. The barbie itself was a ballerina barbie in the cheap section. I was looking for one fo the shorter barbies so I wouldn't have to make a gigantic cake for a smaller function. IN the end it's a real barbie & jewelry for the little girl to play with when the cakes gone.